Abdominal Surgical Revision
Abdominal scar tissue is forms through the healing of the connective fibers surrounding incision sites or traumatic wound. These are the natural fibers the body creates to heal tears in the skin. Abdominal scar removal is a way to repair or replace damaged skin. The severity of the wound surgical or traumatic helps determine the realistic level of success of any abdominal scar removal technique or revision.
Surgical Revision
Surgical scar revision is often used to reduce the abdominal scar. Surgical revisions work by moving the scar toward a natural crease in the skin. Scarring is ofthen cause by too much tension on the wound. In an abdominal surgical scar revision a less prominent scar will result because of he conrol of the woud tension which is lessend by the surgeons expertise.
View an actual abdominal scar revision with dermabrasion.
Punch Graft Scar Revision
A punch graft is a surgical technique designed to minimize the appearance of a scar. By removing an area of tissue from another area (normally less visible area of the body) and replacing it where the scar was located. If the abdominal scar is severe, a punch graft may be used and the skin is placed over the abdomen and stitched in place. Again, the tension in the stitching or closure of the surgical wound lends to a more aesthetic or less obvious scar. In addition after full healing of the punch graft dermabrasion or laser resurfacing can be utilized to diminish the appearance of scars.