New Cosmetic Procedures for Scar Revision

Scarring negatively affects a person’s self image. Advancements in cosmetic procedures surgical and non-surgical provide alternatives in revising hair transplant scars or scars in other areas of the body that have hair.

FUE and SMP Transplant for Scalp Scar Revision
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) allows a hair transplant surgeon to individually remove donor grafts without a measure incision in the patient’s scalp. This means a small number of grafts can be used and placed within recipient sits within a scar. This means scars in other places that have hair (eyebrows, pubis etc…) can be treated by transplanting of a small number of follicular units into the scar and on its margins to blend it to the surrounding area.

Scalp Micro-pigmentation is used to simulate stubble hair making it also good for obscuring scars.
Scalp Micro-pigmentation is used to simulate stubble hair making it also good for obscuring scars.

Scalp Micro-Pigmentation
SMP for Scar Revision

Scalp Micro-Pigmentation (SMP) is a non surgical cosmetic procedure that can be used in scar revision. It can works well with scalp scars. Special pigments are injected into the scar. The appearance is like stubble hair. It is injected into the scalp in a manner to obscure the scar or make it blend into the surrounding area.

These more recent advances in cosmetic procedures; FUE and SMP are performed in Los Angeles hair transplant centers like US Hair Restoration.

Understanding Scarring and Scar Revision

The role of scar revision is to restore self-esteem and improve the quality of life. The skin is actually the largest organ of the body and vital to not only our physical health but also it’s health and beauty important to our emotional well-being. Scars have a natural process or progression towards a mature scar. This represents the completion of the healing process.

There are individuals who heal with very little scars and others who scar from the slightest of skin injury. Any injury to the the skin, that is a rupture to the integrity of its’ surface or that results in an opening or damage to the dermis, will heal with a scar.

Facial Scars effect self image.
Life changes that effect our hormones can effect the way our skin heals. Childhood to puberty, adulthood and finally to old age can represent significant changes in how our skin heals. Predicting how a person heals cannot be done with medical certainty. It is a persons observation of their own healing history and familial history that provides the best indicators.

However through observation of certain skin types that we understand their tendencies to produce abnormal scarring and formation:

  • Pigmented skin and Celtic skin have a higher risk of Hypertrophic and Keloid scarring
  • the chest and shoulders, eyelids, lips or labia heal with inconspicuous scarring
  • The goal of scar revision surgery is to make the scar to blend or making it inconspicous. Scars that result from injuries, burns or cancer excision can have a major psychological impact. This impact from the scarring can be profound adversely effecting self-esteem, self-confidence and social interaction. If you suffer from such issues a cosmetic surgeon can often help.

    Minimizing Scars in Hair Transplant Surgery

    The modernization of hair restoration has made it an option for many men. The scarring from follicular unit transplantation which is a natural permanent solution to hair loss is a concern for many patients.
    Fortunately a number of techniques have been developed to minimize donor scarring when using a strip excision during this surgery, as well as, post surgical solutions that can be done even years later.
    Linear Follicular Unit Transplantation Scar
    Surgical Solutions

    Solutions that a surgeon can utilize during the procedure include:
    • the use of tumescent anesthesia
    • undermining
    • absorbable sutures
    • buried sutures
    • staples, and
    • trichophytic closures.

    These advances in minimizing scarring makes FUT one of the best hair transplant treatments for men.
    Scar minimization from the donor incision is an important component of a successful hair transplant procedure. A fine donor scar gives the patient more flexibility in hair styles post surgery. When the scar is fine the close cut military type hairstyles chosen by men and women can still be worn after hair restoration.

    Four aspects to having the donor incision heal in a fine line:

    1. placing the incision in the proper location
    2. using the correct donor strip dimensions
    3. removing the strip without damage to the tissue
    4. closing the donor area with impeccable surgical techniques

    Positioning the Donor Incision

    The ideal placement of the donor incision is in the mid-part of the permanent zone located in the back and sides of the scalp. This area lies in a band that starts above the occipital protuberance (the bump felt in the middle part of the back of the scalp) and extends to either side in a gentle, upward sloping curve that follows the contour of the scalp. If hair is harvested below this region, there is a greater risk of scarring from the wound stretching, since the incision will be too close to the muscles of the neck. If the incision is above this area, the hair may not be permanent and may fall out as the baldness progresses.

    Size of the Donor Strip

    The length of the donor incision is determined predominantly by the number of follicular unit grafts required for the hair restoration, the width (height) of the donor incision depends upon the patient’s scalp laxity. This is a genetic attribute of the patient’s scalp that must be carefully measured by the hair transplant surgeon during the initial evaluation. With good scalp laxity, a wider strip may be harvested from the donor area without the risk of scarring (although patients with very loose scalps may be at increased risk of a wide scar If the scalp is too tight, taking a normal size strip may be impossible.

    If the strip width is too narrow, the incision will need to be unnecessarily long to obtain an adequate amount of donor hair. If the strip width is too wide, the risk of having a widened scar will be increased significantly. Expert clinical judgment, acquired over years of experience, is needed for the surgeon to consistently set the appropriate length and width of the donor strip and achieve the minimum possible scar.

    Laser Technology in Scar Revision

    Advent of Laser Technology in Scar Revision

    Who doesn’t have a scar? The natural healing mechanism following injury or surgery most often leaves some level of scar. Many individuals bear no adverse reaction to scarring. Of course the location of a scar and its severity can make all the difference to some people’s self image. While the scar appearance is usually quite acceptable, in many other instances the scar can raise, thicken, or become red. This type of scarring is called ‘hypertrophic scarring.’ Some individuals may even develop an extreme form of scarring called a ‘keloid.’

    Laser Scar Revision

    Laser technology Advances Scar RevisionIn recent years the use of lasers in medicine has enjoyed rapid development in medicine. Doctors and researchers are experimenting with the devices in a wide variety of procedures, like opening blocked coronary arteries and reshaping the cornea of the eye to correct poor vision, dissolving kidney stones and in scar revisioning.

    These advances in medical laser technology allows for easier revisioning treatment of scars. Applied in the right cases laser scar revisioning can have remarkable success and can bemore effective than ever.

    Lasers are used in two primary ways in scar revisioning:

    • to treat the surface color of the scar
    • to go deeper and break up the collagen bunches that cause the scar

    The result renders scars smoother, more evenly colored. The application of these new laser treatments appears limitless as doctors and researchers fine tune the levels of laser frequency for different medical applications. Lasers are effective on scars from accidents, dog bites, cesarean sections, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery and skin grafts have proven quite successful and a large cross section of patients. It is important to note however because scarring is a highly individualized healing process that thorough medical consult is the best option. New laser therapies have ever proven effective on burn scars.

    Laser Scar Revision Results

    Scars cannot be completely removed from any treatment. Scar revision is meant to obscure the scar by making it blend better with your skin in colour and texture.; the more T the scar to blend s naturally with the surrounding skin The better the results. If the scar is uneven in texture, laser scar revision will help smooth out the scar so that the area is flatter. Additional treatments will continue to improve these effects.