Basic Scar Science

Why do scars have different colors?

New scars would always turn out to be red or purple in color as a result of damaged blood vessels and inflammation. These are hyperpigmented scars. Older scars are white in color. Resulting from the inflammation and damage to the blood vessels and cells loss of pigmentproducing,cells occur. The scar becomes hypopigmented (pale), because of the loss of skin pigment. The skin has a great capacity to regenerate itself. The scars are a sign of the skin attempting to heal itself. Normally when the skin is quickly repaired, the new skin may have a different appearance. This persistent in the formation of the scars that don’t fade away.

How long does it normally take for scars to fade to their final color?

Generally, major scars from either surgery or injury take about six to twelve months to fade to
their final color.

How good is scar revisioning?

Do some people have a predisposition to develop more prominent scars?

It believed that genetic factors play a role in the scarring process. Scarring may be more disfiguring for some people. There has been new treatment developed that can help scars fade

What causes scars?

Scars are a permanent mark that indicates the skin’s attempt to heal itself. When the skin is damaged the top layer occurs, cells to quickly multiply to form new cells to fill in the gap. When the wound is deeper into the underlying skin tissue, the cells that form collagen are stimulated and they fill in the gap by producing abundant fibrous connective tissue. If the density of this new tissue is relatively extensive it is usually replaced by normal skin layer over time. A result of a persistent scar remains, when the mass of new tissue is relatively extensive it is associated to cell damage and the fibrous tissue remains.

Caesarian Section Scar Revision

About C section Scar

Some women may do to emergency or elect to have their birth surgically. This is called a Caesarian Section or most often referred to as a C-section. In this surgical procedure one or more incisions are made through a mother’s abdomen (laparotomy) and uterus (hysterotomy) to deliver one or more babies. This will leave a surgical scar that many woman wish to have revised after the decision not to have any more children. In emergencies often the scar is longitudinal running from just below the naval to the lower abdomen. In elective C section more often the scar is latitudinal just above the pubic bone on the lower abdomen.

The Video Below is a medical procedure and contains graphic images that may be unsuitable for children and some adults.

About C section Scars

  • This Cesarean section scar involves a midline longitudinal incision which allows a larger space to deliver the baby. It is not often performed today.
  • The lower uterine segment section is the procedure most commonly used today; it involves a transverse cut just above the edge of the bladder and results in less blood loss and is easier to repair.
  • An emergency Cesarean section is a Cesarean performed once labour has commenced.
  • A crash Cesarean section is a Cesarean performed in an obstetric emergency, where complications of pregnancy onset suddenly during the process of labour, and swift action is required to prevent the deaths of mother, the child or both.
  • A Cesarean hysterectomy consists of a Cesarean section followed by the removal of the uterus. This may be done in cases of intractable bleeding or when the placenta cannot be separated from the uterus.
  • A repeat Cesarean section is done when a patient had a previous Cesarean section. Typically it is performed through the old scar.
  • Regardless of the type of C section performed and the resulting scar they can be treated in a similar way. Tummy tucks are often used to revise or obscure a C-section scar.

Chemical Peel Treatment for Skin Scarring

African American Youth Facial Scars Removed with Chemical Peel TreatmentsEnvironment and Aging Can Scar the Skin

There are many things in life that cause the skin to appear damaged or to lack a healthy look. Ordinary aging, acne and exposure to the sun caused the skin to become spotted, wrinkled, scarring and even changes in the skin tone. A chemical peel removes the damaged layers and brings newer healthier cells to the visible surface.

Chemical Peels for Skin Rejuvenation
Chemical peels improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin using a chemical solution. This solution causes the outer layer of cells (dead skin) to slough off or to eventually peel off. The newly exposed regenerated layer of skin is shows less signs of damage in most cases. It is usually smoother, clearer and less wrinkled than the old skin.

Some chemical peels can be purchased and administered without a medical license using over the counter products. This is not recommended it is best to enlist the expertise of professional help from a dermatologist, esthetician, plastic surgeon, or otolaryngologist. These professionals can best determine the type of derma peel suited best for you.

Although chemical peels are used mostly on the face, they can also be used to improve the skin on your neck and hands.

You can improve:
• Acne or acne scars
• Age and liver spots
• Fine lines and wrinkles
• Freckles
• Irregular skin pigmentation
• Rough skin and scaly patches
• Scars
• Sun-damaged skin