Home Remedies for Mole Removal

Moles occur on the body when the cells grow in a cluster rather than being spread throughout the skin of a person. They can develop anywhere on the body in a cluster fashion. In general, most people have anywhere from 10-40 moles on their body. While a good number of the moles are harmless, there are times that they can develop into cancerous moles. Medical insurance will likely cover the cost of removing a cancerous mole from the body but medical insurance does not cover the cost of removing moles that are considered to be benign or harmless. Instead of paying a doctor for the removal of a benign mole, many patients turn to home remedies to remove moles on various areas of the body.

Here are some of the most popular home remedies that patients perform for mole removal instead of visiting the office of a doctor.

Popular Home Remedies for Mole Removal

  • Garlic – It is believed that applying garlic to a mole will make the mold become smaller or even disappear entirely. The reason this is a popular home remedy is because the garlic might dissolve the cluster of cells that can cause the mole even though the garlic can cause burns to the skin.
  • Lemon Juice – The placing of lemon juice on the mole several times each day will work to bleach the appearance of the mole and make it less obvious to others.
  • Castor Oil Mixed with Baking Soda – The mixture of castor oil and baking soda can create an ointment that causes mole removal if they are applied together on the mole for multiple weeks. Patients use this home remedy because it is believed that the baking soda dries out, and eliminates, the mole while the castor oil works to protect the skin.
  • Flaxseed Oil – There have been some studies that show flaxseed oil is filled with properties that heal cuts as well as other lacerations on the body. Patients use flaxseed oil to eliminate blemishes and other dark spots on the body and this includes moles located on the skin.
  • Potatoes – This is a rather popular method for dealing with moles on the skin. The potatoes are believed to have a natural bleaching effect on the mole which causes it to fade away over a period of time.
  • Frankincense Oil – It has been reported that frankincense oil contains properties that dry the skin by absorbing oil. Some people believe the daily application of frankincense oil will cause mole removal as the mole eventually becomes dry and then scabs before falling off.
  • Bananas – The tasty food known as bananas contains a number of acids and enzymes. There are some people that believe the rubbing of banana peels on the skin can help remove a mole.
  • Coconut Oil – Some people believe that coconut oil can perform mole removal even though no studies have proven this fact. However, it is still a popular home remedy since coconut oil has been shown to moisturize the skin and possibly help with other issues on the skin.
  • Honey – It has been said that honey contains anti-inflammatory properties as well as antioxidants so many people try to perform mole removal by applying honey to the moles. They believe that the moles will start to fade after a few days.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide – The use of hydrogen peroxide is considered a very effective home remedy as it contains properties that work to remove moles once it is applied to the skin three or four times per day. Patients should check with a medical professional to determine the type of hydrogen peroxide that is best for their skin.

Discover the most popular home remedies for mole removal

Use Caution before Performing a Home Remedy for Mole Removal

Before performing a home remedy for mole removal, patients should schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor. It is important to get a suspicious mole examined by a doctor since a home remedy cannot effectively treat a mole that is determined to be cancerous. If the doctor determines that the mole is cancerous, the doctor will discuss options for removing the mole.

In addition, caution should be a priority when using mole removal creams that can be bought at a pharmacy. Many creams that can be bought over the counter can remove some of the skin around the mole which can leave a pocket in the skin or a scar that might not heal properly.

People should also be aware of any signs of skin cancer such as a mole with an irregular shape or border, a mole that quickly changes shape or size or a mole that changes colors. If any of these signs are apparent with the mole on the body of a patient, a doctor needs to examine the mole before the patient tries any kind of home remedy for mole removal. Home remedies for removing moles are not a substitute for being examined by a doctor.

While home remedies cost less than visiting a doctor to remove an unwanted mole, they might not work or they can cause side effects. While the methods listed above are popular home remedy options, they are not proven methods of mole removal so patients need to be aware that they might not achieve the results they desire using the above mole removal methods.



Natural Ways to Remove Moles without Surgery

Natural Mole Removal

Most people have a mole somewhere on their body. Moles are small spots on the skin that are usually black, brown or flesh colored but they can also be tan, red or pink. Moles are either round, flat or slightly raised and exist with or without hair follicles. Moles form due to a collection of melanocytes which are the cells that produce pigment or melanin. Most moles are benign or non-cancerous. Benign moles are only one color and remain the same in size and shape. Getting rid of mole doesn’t have to involve surgery as there are some natural ways to remove moles.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is used in home remedies for a variety of ailments including the treatment of scars. It is also very popular for mole removal due to its acid content. Apple cider vinegar slowly burns the mole which causes it to scab over and eventually fall off. Apple cider vinegar is also known for its anti-bacterial properties which protect the treatment area from secondary infections. It can be harsh to the skin so, if an irritation occurs to the surrounding skin, discontinue treatment. Don’t be alarmed if the condition of the mole looks worse in the first few days because it will get better.

  • Apply a little petroleum jelly to the skin surrounding the mole (for protection)
  • Dip a cotton ball in the ACV and place it on the mole
  • Use gauze and medical tape to hold it in place for 1 hour
  • Repeat for 10 days which should be enough time for the mole to fall off
  • To make the process faster, use an emery board to gently scrape the mole and then apply the ACV until the mole turns white and then allow it to dry naturally

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil works well for moles that are slightly raised with a shallow root. Like apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil is proven to have anti-bacterial properties to protect the skin. However, tea tree oil can be harsh and some people may be sensitive or allergic to it. Therefore, it is best to test this remedy on a small part of the skin. Minor stinging that goes away in a few seconds is natural but a persistent burning sensation is not.

  • Dip a Q-tip in tea tree oil and gently apply it to your mole
  • Apply an adhesive bandage over the area for 1 hour and then remove
  • Repeat twice a day for about a month


Iodine is known to cause cell death and “kill” a mole. The area to be treated should be washed with lukewarm water and patted dry before applying iodine.

  • Gently scratch the surface of the mole with an emery board
  • Protect the surrounding skin from the possibility of pigmentation by applying a little petroleum jelly
  • Apply 1 drop of iodine directly on the mole
  • Cover the mole with gauze and medical tape or adhesive tapes
  • Repeat each day to eliminate the mole within a couple weeks


Garlic has been used for various medicinal purposes as it contains enzymes that can break down anomalous cell structures which formed the mole. For this treatment, fresh garlic is needed instead of dried garlic. This treatment works the best just before bed.

  • Slice a clove of garlic in half or just a piece
  • Apply the cut-side of the garlic onto the mole and secure it with medical tape
  • Leave the garlic in place overnight
  • Repeat this process each night to remove a mole within a few weeks

Castor Oil

Castor oil works well to remove several types of skin blemishes such as moles, warts and skin tags. Castor oil is known to be a dissolvent so it has the ability to eliminate skin growths. It can take some time to eliminate the growth since castor oil takes the layers off one at a time. This treatment for removing moles is commonly used on areas such as the face since it has less chance of scars than others. Note: This method can be used with or without baking soda.

  • Mix a few drops of castor oil with a pinch of baking soda
  • Gently rub this mixture onto the mole
  • Allow this mixture to stay on the growth until it dries
  • Repeat twice a day for about a month

Banana Peels

Although it may seem strange, using a banana peel to rid the body of a mole is considered very effective. Banana peels contain numerous enzymes which can dry out a mole and cause it to eventually fall off. For best results, use a ripe banana peel.

  • Cut off a piece of the banana peel and scrape the inside of the peel
  • Place the inside of the peel on the mole with the yellow skin facing outward
  • Use adhesive bandages or medical tape to hold it in place
  • Leave the banana peel on for 1 hour
  • Repeat each day for a few weeks