Scar Revision from Breast Augmentation

All surgeries are going to leave a scar. The leading cosmetic surgeons who specialize in breast augmentation are good at reducing the visibility of the scar. The very best surgeons make sure only very close scrutiny reveal the signature of their work. The techniques for revising scars very and are applied as the surgeon deems best for the patient and their particular case. Often women undergo more than one breast implant surgery. If a woman has suffered from a poor elective procedure the top cosmetic doctors can redo the surgery and also revise the scarring in the same procedure.

Do breast implants last a lifetime? Women considering breast augmentation ask this question frequently. Breast implants are not made with an expiration date, so you should be able to enjoy the results for many years. However, unexpected issues occur for a certain number of patients. If you think you’re experiencing a problem with your breast implants, call us to schedule a consultation and Dr. Hess will see you as soon as possible.

Reasons for Revision Breast Augmentation
Problems that occur after breast implant surgery. Most often they are corrected with a brief revision surgery. Of course, Some of the reasons women seek revision of breast augmentation are :

  • Breast implant rippling
  • Volume adjustment of saline implants
  • Scar revision procedure
  • Change in implant size preferences
  • Switch from saline to silicone implants
  • Areola size reduction
  • Noticeable breast asymmetry
  • Symmastia
  • Nipple ptosis or sagging
  • Breast implant displacement
  • Breast implant rupture
  • Nipple malposition
  • Scar tissue surrounding implant
  • High riding implants
  • Facts about Common Types of Scars

    Scarring is part of living

    Accidents, surgery, skin disease, burns, acne, and infection are things that are common to the human experience. All of these often leave some type of scarring on a person to varying degrees. It is unlikely that and person living to the edge of five years is without some type of scarring. The skin is the largest organ system of the body and provides us with amazing protection that allows humans an advantage over other mammals on the planet. However it is greatly associated with our personal self image and sometimes scarring has adverse emotional effects.

    Below are common types of scars that occur:

    Flat, Pale Scars are the most common type of scar.
    They occur as a result of the body’s innate healing process. Initially, they may be red or dark and raised. After the wound heals they often become paler and flatter over time. The final appearance being in a flat, pale scar that can be nearly unoticeble. This process can take up to two years and there will always be some visible evidence of the original wound.

    Hypertrophic ScarsRed or Dark and Raised
    Hypertrophic scars are more common in the young and people with darker skin. Some people have an inherited tendency to this type of scarring. It is not possible to completely prevent hypertrophic scars. It is important to record this tendency as part of one’s medical history. Some scar therapies are available that may speed up the process of change from a hypertrophic scar to a flatter, paler one.

    The body produces new collagen fibers at a rate which balances the breakdown of old collagen. Hypertrophic scars do this in abundance. These scars are red and thick and may be itchy or painful. They do not extend beyond the boundary of the original wound but may continue to thicken for up to 6 months. Sometimes they improve over the next one to two years. Some people complain because these types of scars can cause distress due to their appearance or the intensity of the itching. Depending on their location on the body they can restrict movement.

    Keloid Scars Red or Dark and Raised
    As in hypertrophic scars, keloids are the result of an imbalance in the production of collagen in a healing wound. Unlike hypertrophic scars, keloids grow beyond the boundary of the original wound and can continue to grow indefinitely. They can also be itchy or painful and in a number of instance not improve in appearance over time.

    Keloid scars can result from any type of injury to the skin, including scratches, injections, insect bites and tattoos. Anybody can get a keloid scar and they can occur anywhere on the body. However, the young and people with darker skin are more prone to this type of scarring and they are more common on certain parts of the body e.g. ears, chest, shoulders and back.

    As with hypertrophic scarring, people who have developed one keloid scar are likely to be prone to this condition in the future and should alert their doctor or surgeon if they are likely to need injections or to have any form of surgery.

    Sunken Scars are recessed into the skin.

    They may be due to the skin being attached to deeper structures (such as muscles) or to loss of underlying fat. They are usually the result of an injury.

    Acne & Chicken Pox Scars
    A common cause of sunken scarring is acne or chicken pox which can result in a pitted appearance. However, it is important to note that acne scarring is not always sunken in appearance and can even become keloid.

    Stretched Scars
    Stretched scars occur when the skin around a healing wound is put under tension during the healing process. This type of scarring may follow injury or surgery. Initially, the scar may appear normal but can widen and thin over a period of weeks or months. This can occur where the skin is close to a joint and is stretched during movement or may be due to poor healing due to general ill health or malnutrition.

    Stretch Marks
    Stretch marks develop when the skin is stretched rapidly, for example during pregnancy or the adolescent growth spurt. Initially, stretch marks appear red but become paler over a number of years.

    Healing Veterans Wounds

    Scars for Freedom

    We cannot even begin to repay the price veterans pay in service to our nation. Veterans are on of the most effected groups from scarring. Fortunately there are organizations and projects out there who demonstrate and honor our veterans with action. Take a moment to watch the video below and spread the word on helping our veterans who return home. Many of the scars of war remain invisible and are often the most difficult to heal. The least we can do is help heal some of the scares. Thank a veteran today and share this video.

    Caesarian Section Scar Revision

    About C section Scar

    Some women may do to emergency or elect to have their birth surgically. This is called a Caesarian Section or most often referred to as a C-section. In this surgical procedure one or more incisions are made through a mother’s abdomen (laparotomy) and uterus (hysterotomy) to deliver one or more babies. This will leave a surgical scar that many woman wish to have revised after the decision not to have any more children. In emergencies often the scar is longitudinal running from just below the naval to the lower abdomen. In elective C section more often the scar is latitudinal just above the pubic bone on the lower abdomen.

    The Video Below is a medical procedure and contains graphic images that may be unsuitable for children and some adults.

    About C section Scars

    • This Cesarean section scar involves a midline longitudinal incision which allows a larger space to deliver the baby. It is not often performed today.
    • The lower uterine segment section is the procedure most commonly used today; it involves a transverse cut just above the edge of the bladder and results in less blood loss and is easier to repair.
    • An emergency Cesarean section is a Cesarean performed once labour has commenced.
    • A crash Cesarean section is a Cesarean performed in an obstetric emergency, where complications of pregnancy onset suddenly during the process of labour, and swift action is required to prevent the deaths of mother, the child or both.
    • A Cesarean hysterectomy consists of a Cesarean section followed by the removal of the uterus. This may be done in cases of intractable bleeding or when the placenta cannot be separated from the uterus.
    • A repeat Cesarean section is done when a patient had a previous Cesarean section. Typically it is performed through the old scar.
    • Regardless of the type of C section performed and the resulting scar they can be treated in a similar way. Tummy tucks are often used to revise or obscure a C-section scar.