Mole Removal Scar Prevention Tips and Tricks

Mole removal surgery scar prevention While moles are generally harmless, there are times that moles can be irregular in shape as well as continue to grow on a consistent basis. This means there might be something happening in your body that needs to be examined by a doctor. While the mole itself might be harmless, there are many people who want to decrease the chances of the mole becoming harmful by having it removed.

Moles are removed by an excision procedure or by having them shaved off with a scalpel blade. No matter which way the doctor decides to remove the scar, there is still a chance of scarring after its removal. Want to prevent scarring from happening after the mole removal procedure? Here are some tips to help you prevent scaring:

1. Listen to your doctor because a mole can cause scarring no matter how big or small the size of the mole. The doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for the wound including how to clean it and change the dressing. These aftercare tips are vital in reducing and even completely preventing scarring.

2. Keeping the wound clean stops bacteria, debris and infections from forming in the wound. Keeping the skin moisturized is also vital in preventing scars from forming where the mole was removed. Wait until the surgery wound has started to scab before you start the moisturizing process.

3. Massaging the surgical wound is a big help in preventing scarring. Massaging any area of the body actually increases the circulation of blood in the area of the body being massaged. Massaging the area where the wound is located will help prevent the formation of a scar.

4. Stay out of the sun after your mole removal surgery. Too much exposure to the sun following a surgical procedure can lead to scarring. It is best to either stay out of the sun, until the wound is completely healed. If that is not possible, keep the wound covered when going outside. The UV rays from the sun can damage the skin and also delay the overall healing process after surgery. If being out the sun can’t be avoided, be sure to wear a high SPF sunscreen no matter what time of year it is.

5. A healthy lifestyle is also important in preventing scarring from happening after the mole removal procedure. While eating healthy and drinking plenty of water is not guaranteed to prevent scarring, it certainly increases the chances of a scar not forming as well as helping you lead an overall healthy lifestyle. When it comes to your food intake, give yourself plenty of vitamins and minerals with each meal so the nutrients can help your body heal properly.

6. Exercise is not recommended immediately after surgery. The area where the mole was removed is also the home of the stitches that will be placed post-surgery. Too much exercise can cause the stitches to tear which can cause the wound itself to open again. Also, too much exercise can cause sweat that can enter the wound. The sweat can irritate the wound and also cause an infection.

Mole removal surgery is helpful in removing both elevated and flat moles. By following the proper post-surgery steps listed above, the chances of a scar forming are lessened. If you have any further questions or concerns about mole removal, please consult with an experienced doctor in your area.

Sometimes Scars Are Not Visible On The Outside

It’s been estimated that the American public spends more than $12-billion dollars each year on procedures that change, alter and enhance their looks. Physical appearance is such an important component of daily life that a nip here and a tuck there play an important part in the way many people feel about themselves.

A February literature review from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania stated that scars resulting from skin cancer surgeries, on areas such as the head and the neck, can alter the psychosocial well-being of a person. In fact, the psychosocial impact of scarring resulting from scan cancer treatments impacts patients regardless of their age and gender. (1)

One technique being employed by doctors to reduce the visibility of scars resulting from skin cancer is the Mohs technique. This medical procedure is a micrographic form of skin cancer removal utilized in cosmetically sensitive areas like the face and hands. The Mohs technique allows doctors to pinpoint the cancer and remove a small amount of normal skin that surrounds the cancer. The end result can be virtually unnoticeable scars following surgery.

According to Joseph F. Sobanko, MD, director of Dermatologic Surgery Education, and an assistant professor of Dermatology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, the way patients feel about themselves can be greatly influenced by their final cosmetic look after surgery.

According to Sobanko, “What we’re learning now is that these scars are much more than skin deep, and given these possible repercussions, it’s vital that surgeons be able to provide patients with advanced treatment options to limit and avoid visible scarring.” (2)

While it’s sometimes hard to implement this practice in daily life, it’s important not to judge a person solely on their physical appearance. The scars on their outer appearance might be nothing compared to the scars they are feeling inside.


The Fault in Our Scars AKA Summertime Sadness

It is finally summertime which means outdoor activities are on the rise. Family vacations are more frequent, kids are taking trips to the pool with friends and bike riding and baseball games are happening on a daily basis. Unfortunately, all of these fun activities come with the increased chance of injuries. During the summertime, people tend to get involved in small accidents that result in cuts, scratches and minor skin injuries which can also lead to scars.

There are a number of steps that you can take to help reduce the potential scarring that result from these small, to medium sized, accidents. According to Dr. Ellen Marmur, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Icahan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, “The appearance of a scar often depends on how well your wound heals. While scars from surgery or over joints like the knees and elbows are hard to avoid, scars caused by minor cuts and scrapes can become less noticeable by properly treating your wound at home.” Dr. Marmur shared this info in a recent (June 9th) news release from the American Academy of Dermatology.

Some of the tips offered by Dr. Marmur for reducing the appearance of scars include:
• Gently wash the injury site with a mild soap and water to keep germs out and also to remove any debris from the injury.
• Apply petroleum jelly to stop the wound from drying out and then forming a scab. (Wounds that result in a scab take longer to heal and the petroleum jelly will help prevent the scar from getting too large or itchy.)
• Once you’re applied the petroleum jelly to the wound area, be sure and cover the wound with an adhesive bandage. Changing the adhesive bandage on a daily basis will help keep the wound clean while it heals.
• Depending on the size of the wound, you might need to use more than petroleum jelly to clean and care for the wound. Larger scratches and wounds could require hydrogel applied to them if they continue to have persistent redness.

Some summertime scrapes and wounds might be so severe that they require surgery. If this is the case, follow the advice of your doctor on caring for your wound. The initial care, and subsequent advice, from your doctor can help minimize the lasting impact of the scar.

One more piece of advice from Dr. Marmur involves the use of sunscreen on the wound area when you go outside. The sunscreen needs to be SPF 30 or higher to help prevent scarring. According to Dr. Marmur, no scar can be totally eliminated but most do fade over time. She also recommends seeing a board-certified dermatologist because “a dermatologist can answer your questions and talk about ways to make your scar less visible.”

Summertime can be a lot of fun but it’s also a season filled with scrapes and scratches thanks to people having rambunctious fun. The best thing you can do (besides be careful while having fun in the sun) is tend to your wound as quickly as possible. The faster you tend to your fresh wound, the less likely your chances of having a permanent scar as a reminder of the summer of 2015.

Z-plasty for Scar Revison

Z-plasty is now being considered as a standard practice for scar revision. With doctors’ offices all over the world now using this technique, one would be hard pressed to find a different technique when it comes to camouflaging scars. This technique has been around for a century and yet, many people fail to realize how it works.

A Z-plasty works like this, at the end lengths of the scar, incision are placed horizontally so that the new incisions and the original wound/incision together form a Z. Once incised, the flaps of the flesh are sutured over and used to cover the wound overall, giving new less tense give to the skin in smaller units, and setting the transposed skin into overlapping “flaps” where their final positions are a three layered triangular fix.

This irregularity of wound closure causes a smaller, united scar that is less noticeable type of scarring that is better camouflaged than the straight line easily hyper-pigmented versions of incisions. This general realignment of the incisions can make for a better visual to surgery wounds.

The only other techniques that are comparable to a Z-plasty would be a W-plasty. A W-plasty, although slightly different, is just a variation of the Z-plasty technique, operating on the same basic principle of relieving overall tension on sutures and skin wounds to allow for a better healing process.

Acne Scars: How to Prevent and Cure Them?

Acne scars can cause damage to one’s skin because of the intense, collagen damaging inflammation to the skin. Acne usually starts to disappear within a few days, but sometimes tends to leave scars. Atrophic, boxcar-shaped, and ice-pick shaped scars are all types of scars that can occur after acne goes away. Atrophic scars are mostly shallow, while ice pick-shaped scars are narrower and deeper.

There are some things that can make acne worse, including exposure to the sun, and picking and squeezing acne. When acne is exposed to direct sunlight, the scar it will leave can become darker and it will slow down the healing process. If you are going to be under direct sunlight it is best to use sunblock with SPF 30 or higher. Picking acne can lead to more inflammation, which will injure the skin adding to the discoloration and causing scarring. Squeezing acne will cause bacteria to go deeper into the skin damaging the collagen.

The best way to prevent acne scars is to have patience, don’t try to pick or squeeze acne, not touching acne you get, will prevent scars. However, if you already have acne scars, it can be treated by using cortisone in order to reduce the inflammation. For deeper acne scars, laser and filler treatments might be the best option. In order to find out what to do to reduce the appearance of acne scars, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist.

What is Partial Trichophytic Closure?

Trichophytic closure is a type of scar closure that is used in conjunction to a hair restoration. For many years, trichophytic closure has been used for scalp surgeries allowing hair to grow into the scar, improving the appearance. When hair is introduced into the scalp scar, it helps reduce the contrast of the scar and the hair area. Trichophytic closure can be done on the upper edge, lower edge, and double edge of the scar.

Partial Trichophytic ClosureScar tissue and the transection of the lower portion of hair follicles, on the edge of the scar, are what cause the lack of hair in the scar. Partial trichophytic closure, recently introduced by Dr. Parsa Mohebi, requires the hair transplant surgeon to observe the donor wound edges and calculate the width of the edge that needs to be removed at any area. The surgeon will use magnifying loupes in order to carefully observe the edges of the wound, making sure that there is no transection in the hair follicles.

Partial trichophytic closure assures that hair will grow into the scar from the upper edge in order to minimize the contrast between the scar and the surrounding hair areas. With this method the visibility of the donor scar is minimized drastically if done properly.

Ingrown Hair Treatment

When your hair curls around and can’t grow out of the skin it is referred to as an ingrown hair. This problem is commonly mistaken for pimples. Ingrown hair is known to be found on the cheeks and neck for men, especially after shaving. Women in most cases find ingrown hair on their legs and sensitive shaving areas. Those who have curly hair are more prone to getting ingrown hairs, especially because their hair can easily be curled underneath the skin preventing it from growing out properly.

Ingrown hair on legJust like what is seen with pimples, when one has an ingrown hair, it produces a small raised red bump. That bump will be itchy and many times might be sore to the touch. Treatment for ingrown hair may not be necessary at all times because ingrown hair sometimes tends to go away on its own. However, if the ingrown hair does not go away, it is best to treat it as it may leave a dark spot or scar on your skin. If an ingrown hair becomes infected, a doctor’s visit is necessary where they can safely use a needle to release the hair.

If you have scarring from an ingrown hair, it is best to see a dermatologist so they can observe the scarring and recommend treatment options for you. Some treatment options may consist of using a bleaching cream, laser treatment, microdermabrasion, or chemical peels.

Scar Types

Skin is the largest organ of a person’s body. Any type of trauma including burns, injury, and surgery can cause a scar to appear on the skin. Scarring can happen on any part of the person’s body that the trauma occurred. Some scars may be small or in locations that aren’t visible to the public eye. However, some people may have scars that are visible, which bother them. There are treatments that can help improve the appearance of the scar, but you can never make it completely disappear.

Scarring happens when the healing process begins. The depth and the size of the wound are one of the many factors of how big and visible the scar will be. Other factors can be your age, ethnicity, genes, and location of the injury. When it comes to surgical scars, the way the surgeon closes the wound can affect the visibility and size of the scar.

There are different types of scars:

Different forms of scarring

Keloid Scar, Contracture Scar, Hypertrophic Scar, Acne Scar

1. Keloid scar: spreads past the original injury and begins to grow
2. Contracture scars: when you burn your skin
3. Hypertrophic scars: Red scars which are raised
4. Acne scars: forms when people have severe acne. Acne scars can vary, some can be deep and some can even have a little bump.

Acne scars can be treated depending on the size, location, and type of scar. Some scars can be treated by over the counter or prescription creams. Another form of scar treatment is by injections or by surgical removal. In order to find out what the best treatment is for you, it is recommended to see a physician. If you have a scar from surgery it is best to see the surgeon who performed the surgery. If you have acne scars, it is recommended to see a dermatologist.

Microdermabrasion for Healthy Skin

The reality of acne scars is that many individuals are affected by them not only through puberty, but well into our adult lives. Whether it is on our face, or other areas of our body. Some people may recover from having acne without any permanent scars, while others may be prone to and left with scars, especially when acne is disrupted unnaturally. Mild acne scars can be treated with over the counter and prescription medications or topical skin products. However, if your case is more severe and these products/medications are not working for you, skin resurfacing is the next available option.
Microdermabrasion for Healthy SkinMicrodermabrasion is a popular procedure being done to help reduce the appearance of acne scars. This procedure also leaves ones skin looking brighter and softer. It can be performed with all skin types and tones.

During the process of microdermabrasion, tiny crystals will be sprayed onto your skin which will remove the outer layer very gently. The procedure is done without the use of any numbing medication. After the procedure, your skin will feel dry and have a tightness. Usually the skin will turn pink for about a day and will resume back to normal by the second day, but sun exposure should still be avoided. In order to hydrate your skin, the doctor will most likely tell you to use a moisturizer and drink plenty of water until the dryness of your skin goes away.

It is important to visit your dermatologist routinely to keep your skin youthful, glowing, and radiant.

Preventing Scars

Preventing Scars

Whether it’s a child bumping his head on the edge of a table or an adult slipping with a kitchen knife while cutting up vegetables, accidents happen no matter how careful you are being. Injuries and scars often- abound. After a cut it is impossible to not have a scar, but there are things you can do to lessen the severity of any lasting marks. Some scars are called sexy at times but for the most part people don’t like scarring.

Scar Prevention: Do’s and Don’ts

To help heal the skin with as little residual scarring as possible, there are steps you may take, and mistakes to avoid. “The key to lessening scarring is to decrease the amount of work the body has to do to heal the scar,” Krant says. Here’s how:

  • Stitches can be used if needed. Often times when you have a cut that is spread apart or deep its always better to have them stitched by a medical professional. Always keep in mind that when the wound or injury is fresh, stitches must be sewn as soon as possible. If you let too much time pass by since the injury, the wound can become contaminated with bacteria, germs, and the doctor will not want to stitch it closed because of the risk of infection. But the wound may start to heal, which can obstruct successful suturing. When having doubts if whether stitches are in order, contact a doctor in a timely manner and let him decide the best treatment for the wound.
  • Applying petroleum jelly to the wound and covering it with a non-stick bandage, and alsokeeping the wound moist, can speed up the healing and minimize scarring, says Krant.
  • Scar Creams and Ointments – There will always be advertisement for scar creams, don’t fall for them. You may have herd that vitamin E can help with reducing the scarring, but this actually has been proven in high-quality studies (a double-blind, placebo-controlled trail). As a matter of fact, there is no over-the-counter product claiming to prevent scars that has been scientifically shown to significantly improve scarring.
  • Massage the wound – Krant claims, that by massaging the scar daily with vitamin E may help promote a less visible scar.
  • Avoid the sun – By keeping the scar away from sunlight it can help minimize discoloration.
  • Let it heal naturally – When using hydrogen peroxide constantly on a wound it would cause irritation and slow down the healing process. Krant says “Scabs are nature’s biologic dressing, Picking off a scab repeatedly when a wound is trying to heal will slow healing and increase scarring.” So it would be best to not pick on scabs.
  • Healing takes time, perhaps a long time. So be patient. The first stage of healing takes three months, followed by the second stage that lasts another three months. One year after the injury the injury has already been formed, but the scar still may change in the following year. “The truth is, that scars never stop changing and improving unless they are keloid scars, which continually worsen unless treated by a physician,” says Krant.