Healing the Emotional and Physical Pain from Scars

Scars: Physical and Emotional PainScars on the body can be caused by a number of factors and they can result in emotional pain for a longer length of time than the actual physical pain and discomfort from the scars.

Long term emotional distress can result from the memory of how the scar occurred as well as unhappiness from the scar being seen by others on a daily basis.

Many people with visible scars feel that they are perceived in a different manner by the general public and often worry that their appearance is judged negatively by others. One other feeling that often occurs when people have a visible scar is that they feel less attractive than those around them on a daily basis.

Psychological effects of scars are especially apparent on individuals with scars visible to others. Many people suffering from scars are known to have low self-esteem and embarrassment around others. This is especially true when the scars are visible on areas such as the face, arms and neck.

There are a number of ways that people attempt to hide their scars including covering them with long hair and clothing. They also normally stay away from activities that require them to show the areas of the body where the scars are visible. In general, women are more self-conscious about their scars and they often suffer from feelings of embarrassment, anxiety and sadness. It should be noted that scars resulting from accidents generally cause women more anxiety than scars resulting from caesarean sections and other child birth methods.

One way to reduce any negative feelings that result from scars is to reduce the amount of scarring visible on the body. Scar reduction surgery can be used to make new scar lines that are straighter and less noticeable. Scar removal products, such as scar creams, can also be used if the scar is relatively new or fresh on the body. These products help reduce the amount of scarring on the skin. As the scar becomes less noticeable, and the skin heals thanks to the scar treatment, its physical and emotional reminders will become less prominent as time passes.

While the memories of how the scar was created and caused any disfigurement of the skin might never completely go away for a person, the physical effects will lessen and become less prominent. This allows the patient to overcome feelings of embarrassment as well as feel less anxiety, depression, sadness and even post-traumatic stress disorder.


Removing Surgery Scars on the Breasts

Scarring after breast surgery.Patients who had surgery to increase their breast size, reduce their breast size or have undergone a mastectomy will normally see some scarring from the procedure. With most breast augmentation techniques, the scars may not be easily seen due to the fact that they are hidden beneath the bikini line.

Breast surgery incisions are usually made around the nipple, in the armpit or within the inframammary fold. The inframammary fold, or the natural fold below the breast, is the most popular technique as it provides many benefits. However, even incisions made in this region will divulge a scar when lying down. Many prospective patients are not necessarily concerned with the procedure itself but are more worried about the appearance of scars afterward.

Since each person heals differently, how well the skin heals is an important factor for the final appearance and severity of the scar. Even so, there are some methods which can be used to improve or remove scars on the breast.

Silicone gel treatments

Scarring on the breast tissue can be treated with silicone gel treatments. Simply paint the gel mixture onto the scar and leave it on. Some brands of silicone gel treatments are Scar Fade and ScarGuard. Talk to your doctor about what type of gel treatment he or she recommends.

Allium cepa

Scars need hydration to heal and patients can hydrate the scars using an ointment which contains Allium cepa. Allium cepa is extracted from onions and reduces the inflammation and redness of scars. Mederma is one brand of ointment which contains these scar reducing properties.

Rosehip oil

Apply rosehip oil every night before bed by massaging the oil into the scar site. After applying the oil, wear loose clothing to allow the oil to penetrate the skin. Continue this method for 2 to 3 months in order to fade the scar drastically.


Although scarring from breast surgery is generally covered by a bikini, any visible scarring such as the armpit should be treated with SPF sunscreen whenever going out in the sun. The sun can play a negative role in how noticeable your scars will appear. In addition, the sun can darken a scar long after it heals and this is especially true in people who already have a darker skin tone.

Laser Therapy

At times, scars from breast surgery can heal poorly and undergoing concentrated heat via laser therapy can remove prominent scars. In extreme cases, an additional surgery to excise the scar might be required. Be sure to learn about all the risks and benefits of these procedures beforehand.

Making the decision to have breast augmentation can be an easy one for some people and difficult for others. Patients should talk to their doctor about any concerns and medical issues and also follow all recommended instructions and restrictions. A well informed patient who follows instructions can be the key to a successful breast augmentation procedure as well as any scars healing nicely and being nearly undetectable.