Scar Treatment Options

Types of Scar Treatments

Almost everyone has had a scar on their body at one time or another. Scar tissue appears on areas of the body that have been injured and protects the injured section. While it does protect the injured area, many patients consider scar tissue to be less than pleasing to the eye. Some scars heal naturally with few issues in fading and becoming less noticeable. Two of the most common types of scars include:

  • Hypertrophic scars which are scars that are larger than normal that tend to have a lumpy appearance.
  • Keloid scars are scars that become raised and spread beyond the wound due to the overgrowth of collagen.

While some scars fade and are hard to notice on the skin, other scars are not able to be completely removed after they form on the body. However, there are various forms of treatment for all types of scars to make them less noticeable in appearance. Depending on the extent of the scarring, the method of treatment might take weeks, or even months, to make a difference in the appearance of the scar. The following are some of the more common methods used for treating scars:

  • Applying pressure to a scar or placing silicone sheets over it can often improve the appearance of the scar. These treatment options tend to flatten any raised scars and also make them paler.
  • Surgery can be performed on some scars to remove them. It should be noted that the surgery might leave a new scar. However, the new scar might look better in appearance than the older scar.
  • Laser surgery can remove the raised surfaces of keloid or hypertrophic scars.
  • Skin grafts can cover scars created by burns.
  • A doctor may choose to inject corticosteroids, which is a cortisone-like medicine, into the area of a raised scar. The medicine serves to reduce inflammation as well as limit the synthesis of collagen that may have been the cause of the raised scarring in the first place.

Before deciding to undergo any kind of treatment for scars on the body, patients should consult with a doctor. Some scars can be easily treated while others might be considered permanent because they are too hard to remove. Meeting with a board-certified doctor will help a person determine the proper scar treatment to undergo in order to achieve the desired results.

Dangers of Using Accutane

One of the most effective acne treatments for patients who suffer from severe acne scarring is Isotretinoin AKA Accutane. In general, it takes 4 to 5 months for the medication to eliminate cases of acne severe enough to warrant the use of Accutane after all other treatment options have failed. It is also useful in treating acne that has not shown a complete response to creams or antibiotics. Accutane was approved by the FDA in 1982 for use as an acne medication. The American Academy of Dermatology has reported that 85% of patients who use Accutane have results that range from long-lasting to a complete reduction of acne.

Accutane Dangers

How It Works

Accutane belongs to the retinoid medication class which includes drugs that are used in cancer treatments. In fact, the drug was originally marketed as a chemotherapy drug. Accutane works by controlling the oil located in the sebaceous gland and is most often used to treat acne with nodules that are 5-mm or larger in diameter. The dosage of Accutane taken by a patient depends on his or her body weight. As mentioned above, it can take up to 4 or 5 months for the treatment to eliminate the acne.

Side Effects

As effective as Accutane is for treating severe acne, it is also known to cause side effects that range from mild to severe.

Some of the milder, and most common, side effects include:

  • Nosebleeds
  • Dry eyes
  • Cracked/Peeling skin
  • Pain in the back, joints and muscles
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Swollen or Bleeding gums

There are also a number of serious side effects associated with Accutane and they include:

  • Psychiatric disorders such as depression, aggressive behavior and suicidal thoughts
  • Inflamed bowels
  • Pancreas inflammation
  • Pseudotumor cerebri (a buildup of pressure in the skull that mimics a brain tumor)
  • Bone loss

Birth Defects

Accutane has been known to cause birth defects in women. As far back as 1985, the FDA added a black box warning telling pregnant women (or women who hope to become pregnant) not to use Accutane because of possible birth defects including fetal deformities and potential fetal death. These potential birth defects can happen even if Accutane is only taken for a short period of time by a woman who is pregnant. Some of the serious birth defects that can occur include:

  • Eye and ear abnormalities
  • Cleft palate
  • Problems with the heart and brain
  • Facial dysmorphia
  • Central nervous system malformations
  • Fetus death

Interactions with Other Drugs

Anyone who uses Accutane should be aware of how it interacts with other drugs. Patients need to consult with a board-certified physician before making the decision to actively use Accutane. While the label on the medication informs patients of the lengthy list of interactions, here are some of the most common interactions associated with Accutane:

  • Vitamin A – Toxicity can be the result if used with Accutane
  • John’s Wort – Taking this product while also using Accutane can decrease birth control effectiveness and lead to pregnancy
  • Tetracycline – When combined with Accutane, the risk of pseudotumor cerebri increases
  • Phenytoin – Since this drug can cause low mineral density in bones and Accutane can cause bone loss, the two should not be taken at the same time

Why Scars Heal Differently on the Body

Have you ever noticed that you can have scars on different parts of your body and they look dissimilar? When an injury breaches the layer of the skin, the skin cells and blood vessels become damaged and the body sends excess collagen to quickly repair the region. This is the body’s way of forming a barrier to protect it from bacteria and germs. Depending on the amount of collagen sent, it can cause the wound to heal differently and result in scar tissue that looks and feels unlike the rest of the skin. Other factors that impact how a scar heals include:

  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Lifestyle
  • Size and depth of the wound
  • Treatment methods
  • Location of the wound

Abdomen Scar healing process

Here is a rundown of different areas of the body and how scars normally heal in these regions:

  • Knees and Elbows

The knees and elbows are prone to heavy scarring since they are constantly being stretched. Therefore, the skin cannot properly regenerate and heal. The scar tissue may constrict mobility over the joints since the tissue becomes tight and less pliable. Severely limited mobility or pain may require scar revision surgery to improve functionality.

  • Chest and Shoulders

Per the National Institutes of Health, the chest and shoulder regions have the poorest results when it comes to extensive scarring because areas of tension produce thicker scars which appear more noticeable.

  • Legs

Scars tend to be thicker and more prominent on the legs since the skin is normally tighter and tougher than other parts of the body. Scars on the legs are inclined to be hypertrophic scars. Hypertrophic scars can be red in appearance and are raised above the surface of the skin.

  • Abdomen and Stomach

Scars on the abdomen and stomach generally heal well leaving a thinner, flatter scar. Surgical scars can usually be placed below the waistline or bikini line and are rarely seen while wearing everyday clothing. Additionally, this placement keeps the scar protected from the sun for optimal healing and to avoid hyperpigmentation.

  • The Mouth

When it comes to scars, the inside of your mouth is the best at healing. The intraoral tissue stays moist and can regenerate quickly. However, it is critical to keep the area clean to avoid infection. An infection will slow down scar formation and may generate a larger, denser scar.

  • Ears

A scar on the ear is generally thick and more prominent than others. This type of scar is generally a keloid scar. Keloids can be found on any part of the body but are common after an ear piercing. Like hypertrophic scars, keloids are red and raised. Unlike hypertrophic scars, keloids extend beyond the edges of the wound. Keloid scars can be minimized with pressure and topical scar treatments.

Preventing and Treating Scars

To keep scars at bay, you should keep the wound clean and moist until it has healed. Serious burns or deep cuts should be evaluated and treated by a doctor. Post-op instructions should be followed as directed to help minimize scarring. Silicone scar treatments can minimize scarring or reduce scars that have already formed. There are many different types of scar treatments available and each type of scar may respond differently to certain treatments. Consult with your doctor about which treatment might be right for your scar.


Don’t Be Ashamed Of Your Scar

Be Proud of Your Scar

Everyone reacts differently to having a scar. Some people simply accept having a scar as part of their appearance while others work to find ways to treat or remove it. One thing everyone should realize is that there is no reason to be embarrassed about having a scar. The current hit song, “Scars To Your Beautiful,” addresses this very issue.

Don’t believe there is nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to having a scar? Here are 5 reasons you should not be ashamed of having a scar:

  1. The story they tell

Scars interest others and leave them wanting to know more about you. They are a daily reminder of your journey in life. The scar can be from an accident or even a birth mark scar you’ve had your entire life. Look at the scar as a way that your body shares your history with others.

  1. Scars can encourage others

Scars can raise awareness for a number of issues and causes. In fact, scars that are related to an illness can often give others the encouragement they need as they battle the same disease.

  1. They show the passage of time

Many scars tend to fade and change color as they heal. The appearance of your scar shows others how long you’ve had it as well as how far you’ve come in life since the scar first appeared.

  1. A scar can be educational to others

While you might not like to discuss the reason you have a scar, some people just can’t help asking questions about it. Talking about your scar can help others learn more about certain diseases or situations and even make them more open-minded.

  1. They make you unique

Scars can add character to your body as well as your personality. They make you just a little bit different than others and help you stand out in a crowd. Embrace your unique status and show others that you are someone to be noticed.

How the Sun Affects Scars

Sun and Scar

Did you know the sun can affect the appearance of scars both during the healing period and after they have healed? After the skin has been damaged and scar tissue forms, the new skin is very sensitive. Exposure to the sun can cause further inflammation in the tissue and create a multitude of side effects. Avoiding the sun helps with patient recovery by reducing the swelling, avoiding potential skin burns, minimizing tissue damage and scarring.

The sun plays a big part in how noticeable your scars will appear. It can darken a scar long after it heals and this is especially true for people who already have a dark skin tone. Many people believe tanning helps even out the skin tone between healthy skin and scar tissue to make the scar less noticeable. However, the UV rays of the sun can have a damaging and lasting effect on sensitive scar tissue. Healthy skin produces more melanin, or dark brown to black skin pigment, while tanning. The pigment absorbs the UV radiation and protects the skin cells from damage.

Scar tissue does not produce melanin which makes the scar tissue, as well as the surrounding skin, more susceptible to sunburn after a surgery or injury. Furthermore, scar tissue can sunburn more rapidly than healthy skin and alter the pigmentation of the scar tissue resulting in a discoloration or darkening of the scar. It can also cause the scar to thicken which creates the possibility of tissue damage.

The damage from UV rays can be permanent and the skin discoloration may never lighten to match the tone of the healthy tissue. Patients should completely avoid the sun for at least a week after surgery and limit any exposure thereafter.

It can take a full year for scar tissue to finally settle down. During this time, take precautions to protect the scar from harmful UV rays. Whenever possible, shield yourself from the sun to avoid exposure. Stay in the shade or cover up a scar with clothing. Sun hats and dresses are great for providing some protection but don’t forget to use sunscreen on a regular basis. This is especially true if the scar is on an area which can’t be covered easily. You should apply sunscreen each day before you go outside.

Be sure and use an SPF that will protect your scar from sun damage. An SPF number means the sun protection factor and an SPF of 30 or higher is recommended for the best results.

Different Methods for Removing Facial Scars

Facial Scar Removal

Having a visible scar is bad enough but when a scar is located on the facial area, it can cause self-esteem issues as well as take a toll on your professional and social confidence. Scars can be embarrassing especially when they cannot be hidden.

Scars can form as a result of an injury, acne, insect bite, cut or scrape. They can also form due to an autoimmune disease such as psoriasis or lupus. Although scarring may not be preventable in some cases, there are several options for improving the look, color or size of a scar. Some methods of scar revision include natural remedies as well as invasive and non-invasive techniques. It is important to understand that some methods may work better for certain types of scars than others.

Aloe Vera

is one of the oldest natural remedies used to treat injuries and scars. It is a great moisturizer and gentle on the skin. Apply 100% Aloe Vera gel to your face as a topical treatment to promote healing and fade a scar. Be sure to choose an Aloe Vera, which does not contain alcohol as alcohol can irritate a scar and dry the surrounding skin.

Nutmeg and honey

Make a great combination when used to reduce the look of scarring. Mix approximately 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg with 1/4 teaspoon of honey until it becomes a paste. Wash your face and apply the mixture like a mask onto the affected areas and leave it on for approximately 20-30 minutes. A little stinging is normal and this means it is working. After 20-30 minutes, wash it off. Aloe Vera can be used afterwards as a moisturizer and to help boost the effectiveness of the treatment.

Vitamin E

Great for regenerating damaged tissue as it has been shown to penetrate layers of the skin and also reduce the formation of free radicals that interfere with healing. Vitamin E also promotes collagen production.

Scar removal

Creams such as Mederma and Revitol Scar Cream may help to remove or lessen the appearance of scars. Be sure that the scar cream is gel or serum-based and contains a medical-grade silicone as the primary/active ingredient.

Soft tissue injections

Provides almost immediate results. These are injected into the scarred area and then plump the skin and smooth the scars. Some of the most popular fillers include collagen, Radiesse and Restylane. However, these fillers are not permanent and require touch-up treatments every 6 months to 2 years in order to maintain smooth-looking skin.


A surgical procedure used to treat deep scars, wide scars or scars which healed in an unusual way. This method involves cutting out the poorly healed scar and using layered sutures to properly close the wound. The patient will still have a scar but the objective is to have a tighter and less apparent scar.

Laser resurfacing

A way of gently vaporizing the damaged or acne-scarred skin to reveal fresh skin from underneath. The surgeon directs an energy beam onto the scar and its surrounding area. The laser beam burns off the outer layer of skin, which begins the regeneration of new skin. In addition, the heat from the laser stimulates the production of collagen underneath the skin. The patient will have smoother and tighter skin once it heals.


A gradual and gentle scar removal technique,this approach vacuums micro crystals across the skin to remove damaged scar tissue. It is described as a superficial skin polishing technique. Since this treatment is designed to be gentle on the skin, patients will need to go in for weekly sessions to achieve their desired look.


This technique allows the doctor to sand down the scarred area with a diamond burr or wire brush after the skin is injected with a local anesthetic. The results from this treatment are not immediate as it takes approximately 6 weeks for a new layer of fresh skin to regenerate. However, it is an effective means to smoother skin and less scars.

Chemical peels

A chemical solution is applied to the facial area and creates a controlled wound as it burns the top layers of skin away. The new skin can take 3 days to 3 weeks to regenerate depending on the aggressive nature of the treatment. Mild peels can be repeated a few weeks later in order to achieve the desired look. Medium-depth, and deeper, peels can be repeated in 6-12 months if desired by the patient.

Healing the Emotional and Physical Pain from Scars

Scars: Physical and Emotional PainScars on the body can be caused by a number of factors and they can result in emotional pain for a longer length of time than the actual physical pain and discomfort from the scars.

Long term emotional distress can result from the memory of how the scar occurred as well as unhappiness from the scar being seen by others on a daily basis.

Many people with visible scars feel that they are perceived in a different manner by the general public and often worry that their appearance is judged negatively by others. One other feeling that often occurs when people have a visible scar is that they feel less attractive than those around them on a daily basis.

Psychological effects of scars are especially apparent on individuals with scars visible to others. Many people suffering from scars are known to have low self-esteem and embarrassment around others. This is especially true when the scars are visible on areas such as the face, arms and neck.

There are a number of ways that people attempt to hide their scars including covering them with long hair and clothing. They also normally stay away from activities that require them to show the areas of the body where the scars are visible. In general, women are more self-conscious about their scars and they often suffer from feelings of embarrassment, anxiety and sadness. It should be noted that scars resulting from accidents generally cause women more anxiety than scars resulting from caesarean sections and other child birth methods.

One way to reduce any negative feelings that result from scars is to reduce the amount of scarring visible on the body. Scar reduction surgery can be used to make new scar lines that are straighter and less noticeable. Scar removal products, such as scar creams, can also be used if the scar is relatively new or fresh on the body. These products help reduce the amount of scarring on the skin. As the scar becomes less noticeable, and the skin heals thanks to the scar treatment, its physical and emotional reminders will become less prominent as time passes.

While the memories of how the scar was created and caused any disfigurement of the skin might never completely go away for a person, the physical effects will lessen and become less prominent. This allows the patient to overcome feelings of embarrassment as well as feel less anxiety, depression, sadness and even post-traumatic stress disorder.


Removing Surgery Scars on the Breasts

Scarring after breast surgery.Patients who had surgery to increase their breast size, reduce their breast size or have undergone a mastectomy will normally see some scarring from the procedure. With most breast augmentation techniques, the scars may not be easily seen due to the fact that they are hidden beneath the bikini line.

Breast surgery incisions are usually made around the nipple, in the armpit or within the inframammary fold. The inframammary fold, or the natural fold below the breast, is the most popular technique as it provides many benefits. However, even incisions made in this region will divulge a scar when lying down. Many prospective patients are not necessarily concerned with the procedure itself but are more worried about the appearance of scars afterward.

Since each person heals differently, how well the skin heals is an important factor for the final appearance and severity of the scar. Even so, there are some methods which can be used to improve or remove scars on the breast.

Silicone gel treatments

Scarring on the breast tissue can be treated with silicone gel treatments. Simply paint the gel mixture onto the scar and leave it on. Some brands of silicone gel treatments are Scar Fade and ScarGuard. Talk to your doctor about what type of gel treatment he or she recommends.

Allium cepa

Scars need hydration to heal and patients can hydrate the scars using an ointment which contains Allium cepa. Allium cepa is extracted from onions and reduces the inflammation and redness of scars. Mederma is one brand of ointment which contains these scar reducing properties.

Rosehip oil

Apply rosehip oil every night before bed by massaging the oil into the scar site. After applying the oil, wear loose clothing to allow the oil to penetrate the skin. Continue this method for 2 to 3 months in order to fade the scar drastically.


Although scarring from breast surgery is generally covered by a bikini, any visible scarring such as the armpit should be treated with SPF sunscreen whenever going out in the sun. The sun can play a negative role in how noticeable your scars will appear. In addition, the sun can darken a scar long after it heals and this is especially true in people who already have a darker skin tone.

Laser Therapy

At times, scars from breast surgery can heal poorly and undergoing concentrated heat via laser therapy can remove prominent scars. In extreme cases, an additional surgery to excise the scar might be required. Be sure to learn about all the risks and benefits of these procedures beforehand.

Making the decision to have breast augmentation can be an easy one for some people and difficult for others. Patients should talk to their doctor about any concerns and medical issues and also follow all recommended instructions and restrictions. A well informed patient who follows instructions can be the key to a successful breast augmentation procedure as well as any scars healing nicely and being nearly undetectable.


How to Get Rid of Keloid Scars

Removal of keloid scarsKeloid scars, like any other type of scar, is the result of an injury to the skin. It occurs when fibrous scar tissue forms excessively on the injury site. The scar is characterized as being a smooth and irregularly shaped growth. Unlike normal flat scars, keloids tend to get larger over time.

No matter how big they grow, keloid scars do not pose any problem to your health. To get rid of your keloid scars, the following treatment options (alone or in combination) should help you:

Silicone Sheets
If you are looking for at-home remedies, silicone sheets are your best bet. These sheets are very easy to use and they have to be put on the affected area regularly. It will take months to see results so a bit of patience is needed. Results vary among patients but you will see improvements in the appearance and size of the keloid scar.

Cortisone Injections
Cortisone can be injected directly into the keloid scar to help flatten it. The treatment is safe and effective and usually requires multiple injections that must be given once every four weeks. It must be noted that while cortisone can make the scar smaller, it can also make it redder due to the increased formation of superficial blood vessels. Cortisone injections make keloid scars look much better after treatment but there will always be a mark left that looks and feels different than the rest of the skin.

In the case of large keloids, the injections can be used only to soften the scar and make it easier to remove via surgical excision.

Laser Treatment
Laser treatment is also effective in flattening keloid scars without the redness associated with a cortisone injection. In fact, they make the affected area look less red. The treatment is safe and virtually painless but several sessions might be required to see the effects. Laser treatment is not usually covered by health insurance plans and can be quite expensive.

Interferon is a protein synthesized by the immune system to combat viruses, bacteria and other parasites. It also works against tumor cells. According to studies, Interferon, can help reduce the size of the scar when injected into the keloid. However, researchers are not certain whether or not this effect is long-lasting. A variant of this treatment which involves the application of a topical drug called imiquimod is currently being studied.

The best way to get rid of keloid scars is to remove them via surgical excision. However, it should only be considered if all other treatment methods fail to produce results. Surgery can be pretty risky as cutting up a keloid scar may lead to the formation of an even bigger growth. Some surgeons prevent such risks by injecting cortisone into the area after the surgery or by placing compressive dressings over the wound for at least a month. In cases of extremely large and disfiguring keloids, surgery in combination with radiation therapy is suggested. Radiation helps lower recurrence rates.

Natural Home Remedies
If you like using natural remedies for health and cosmetic issues, you can try to get rid of keloid scars by rubbing them with lavender oil, lemon, honey and apple cider vinegar. These natural remedies help soften the scar and prevent them from reappearing. You have to use them daily in order to be effective. The results won’t be as fast as the other methods but they are a good alternative if you don’t want to use the methods listed above.

Unfortunately, keloid scarring is one of the most challenging conditions to treat successfully. No treatment is 100% effective in treating keloids. Remember that even with the best treatments available, recurrence is still a possibility and can occur several years after the first scars have disappeared.

– AA

Natural Ways to Get Rid Of Scar Tissue

Scar Tissue RemediesScar tissue is a beauty concern for many people. When the natural skin has been damaged beyond its first layer, scar tissue is the tissue which replaces it. Scar tissue is the same tissue as healthy skin even though it looks different. This is because the fibers are arranged differently within the tissue.

Scars can form for a variety of reasons including cuts, scrapes, acne, minor burns, bites, surgery or fungal infections. Anyone is prone to getting a scar at one time or another. The important thing to remember is that scars will eventually fade. The extent to which they fade depends on genetics.

However, there are some natural ways to get rid of, or lighten, scar tissue. Do you know what to use and how to use it?

Coconut Oil

Contains fatty acids that act as an antioxidant. This oil can prevent and reverse radical damage. It can also stimulate collagen production while softening the skin to speed the healing process.
• Warm 1 teaspoon of extra-virgin coconut oil in the microwave.
• Gently massage the warm oil in a circular motion on the affected area until it is absorbed into the skin.
• Repeat several times on a daily basis until the desired results are achieved.

Aloe Vera

Well known for regenerating skin tissue. It can also help to reduce the size and appearance of scars.
• Peel the outer green leaf off the plant.
• Apply the gel-looking substance, from the plant, and massage for several minutes.
• Leave it to dry on the skin and then rinse with warm water.
• Apply several times a day for 1 to 2 months.

Vitamin E

Has extraordinary antioxidant properties and can also stimulate collagen as well as moisturize the skin while healing scars.
• Extract the liquid from a Vitamin E capsule or use Vitamin E cream.
• Gently massage in a circular motion for about 10 minutes or until completely absorbed.
• Repeat 2-3 times a day.
• Also, incorporate foods high in Vitamin E into your diet. Foods such as hazelnuts, safflower oil, almonds and peanut butter are all high in Vitamin E.

Lemon Juice

Works as a natural bleaching agent due to its alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and can fade scars. AHA is known to remove dead skin cells while regenerating and repairing damaged skin. Note: When using this technique, be sure to use sunscreen on the treated area whenever going out into the sun. Lemon juice will make that area sensitive to light.
• Extract fresh lemon juice from a lemon and apply it to the scar.
• Allow the juice to dry on the skin for approximately 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly and pat dry.
• Apply some moisturizer.
• Repeat twice daily for several weeks

Apple Cider Vinegar

Has various exceptional properties including being an astringent and a natural disinfectant. It can exfoliate the skin and also remove dead skin cells.
• Dip a cotton ball into the apple cider vinegar and apply it to the scar.
• Leave it on the scar for 10-15 minutes before washing it off.
• Apply moisturizer.
• Repeat this process a few times a day for a few weeks.

Lavender Oil

Can rejuvenate the skin cells. lavender oil helps to increase the cell turnover rate which will prevent the scars from becoming permanent.
• Apply a few drops of lavender essential oil to the scar.
• Gently massage the scar in a circular motion for approximately 10-15 minutes.
• You can also mix equal parts of the lavender oil and olive oil and then apply this mixture to the scar and massage for a few minutes.
• Repeat either method twice daily for several weeks.