Adult Acne Scar Revision

Acne Scar Revision

Acne is most often associated with the angst and turbulent adolescence; at least that is the common perception. In the United States alone the American Academy of Dermatology reports that 40 to 50 million peoples suffer from acne to a level of requiring medical treatment. The numbers appear to be growing and the reason for this unclear.

In a study of 1,013 people, 15% of women and 7% of men over 50 reported having acne. The negative effects on self image are as strong in adults as in teens. Often adults use over the counter treatment that aggravate the condition even further.

WATCH VIDEO of One Acne Scar Revision Technique Below

Women appear to have increased risk

A survey from the University of Alabama was published a study in 2008; significant numbers on women suffering from acne was reported. This study found that acne affects more than 50% of women between the ages of 20-29 and more than 25% between the ages of 40-49. A Massachusetts General Hospital research survey in 2011 reported similar numbers though slightly lower than the University of Alabama report. The hospital study revealed that 45% of women 20-29 and 12% of women 41-50 had acne.


Long term acne can leave substantial levels of scarring that require medical intervention to improve the appearance of the skin to enhance the well being and safe image of patients. Myriad treatments from a range of chemical peels, to non-ablative and ablative lasers, to injections, all the way up to surgical techniques. Sometimes the best treatment for may include a combination of these modern procedures. As in other scar revision the goal is to make the scarring less noticeable.

New Cosmetic Procedures for Scar Revision

Scarring negatively affects a person’s self image. Advancements in cosmetic procedures surgical and non-surgical provide alternatives in revising hair transplant scars or scars in other areas of the body that have hair.

FUE and SMP Transplant for Scalp Scar Revision
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) allows a hair transplant surgeon to individually remove donor grafts without a measure incision in the patient’s scalp. This means a small number of grafts can be used and placed within recipient sits within a scar. This means scars in other places that have hair (eyebrows, pubis etc…) can be treated by transplanting of a small number of follicular units into the scar and on its margins to blend it to the surrounding area.

Scalp Micro-pigmentation is used to simulate stubble hair making it also good for obscuring scars.
Scalp Micro-pigmentation is used to simulate stubble hair making it also good for obscuring scars.

Scalp Micro-Pigmentation
SMP for Scar Revision

Scalp Micro-Pigmentation (SMP) is a non surgical cosmetic procedure that can be used in scar revision. It can works well with scalp scars. Special pigments are injected into the scar. The appearance is like stubble hair. It is injected into the scalp in a manner to obscure the scar or make it blend into the surrounding area.

These more recent advances in cosmetic procedures; FUE and SMP are performed in Los Angeles hair transplant centers like US Hair Restoration.

Laser Technology in Scar Revision

Advent of Laser Technology in Scar Revision

Who doesn’t have a scar? The natural healing mechanism following injury or surgery most often leaves some level of scar. Many individuals bear no adverse reaction to scarring. Of course the location of a scar and its severity can make all the difference to some people’s self image. While the scar appearance is usually quite acceptable, in many other instances the scar can raise, thicken, or become red. This type of scarring is called ‘hypertrophic scarring.’ Some individuals may even develop an extreme form of scarring called a ‘keloid.’

Laser Scar Revision

Laser technology Advances Scar RevisionIn recent years the use of lasers in medicine has enjoyed rapid development in medicine. Doctors and researchers are experimenting with the devices in a wide variety of procedures, like opening blocked coronary arteries and reshaping the cornea of the eye to correct poor vision, dissolving kidney stones and in scar revisioning.

These advances in medical laser technology allows for easier revisioning treatment of scars. Applied in the right cases laser scar revisioning can have remarkable success and can bemore effective than ever.

Lasers are used in two primary ways in scar revisioning:

• to treat the surface color of the scar
• to go deeper and break up the collagen bunches that cause the scar

The result renders scars smoother, more evenly colored. The application of these new laser treatments appears limitless as doctors and researchers fine tune the levels of laser frequency for different medical applications. Lasers are effective on scars from accidents, dog bites, cesarean sections, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery and skin grafts have proven quite successful and a large cross section of patients. It is important to note however because scarring is a highly individualized healing process that thorough medical consult is the best option. New laser therapies have ever proven effective on burn scars.

Laser Scar Revision Results

Scars cannot be completely removed from any treatment. Scar revision is meant to obscure the scar by making it blend better with your skin in colour and texture.; the more T the scar to blend s naturally with the surrounding skin The better the results. If the scar is uneven in texture, laser scar revision will help smooth out the scar so that the area is flatter. Additional treatments will continue to improve these effects.

Pressure Treatment in Scar Healing

compression garment for torso When an imbalance occurs between the anabolic and catabolic phases of the healing process in a wound somtimes more collagen is produced than the is degradation of collagen in the healing process. This results in the scar growing in all directions. The scar is elevated above the skin and remains hyperemic. This is excessive scar tissue is medically classified either as a keloid or a hypertrophic scar.

There are several nonsurgical options that are utilized to treat of these abnormal type scars. Pressure is a treatment that has demonstrated a level of success in some patients. The use of pressure to treat scars is thought to decrease tissue metabolism and increase collagen breakdown within the wound. Pressue is sometimes used preventatively in patients who have a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring.

There are various different methods for administering pressure to facilitate this type of treatment including:
• elastic bandages (eg, Ace wraps) for the extremities
• thromboembolic stockings for the feet
• Isotoner-type gloves for the hands.
• custom-fitted compression garments can be used for the more difficult areas ( lower neck and torso).

ACE wraps or stockings are not useful for areas such as the head and face this is primarily because of discomfort and patient compliance Is not likely. Optimal results with latex-free compression garments are achieved usually in 6 -12 months during the maturation of the wound.

Dermabrasion Scar Revision

Before and After Dermabrasion Scar Revision
Dermabrasion Advances Scar Revision

The disfigurement of facial scarring is one of the most traumatic injuries that a person “literally” has to face the world. Long after the often excruciating pain and initial wound healing; a person endures social stigma and deep psychological wounds and depression. Modern advancement provides new hope and relief in the hands of today’s highly skilled cosmetic surgeons. The advances in Dermabrasion technique in adjunct with other dermatologic surgical procedures have put it at the forefront as a scar revision treatment.

Dermabrasion is non-surgical. It is a technique that is used to revise scars with abnormal skin texture or to reduce ones that are raised. It can also used in conjunction with other methods of scar revision to further blend the skin surface.

Dermabrasion Basics

Unlike micro-dermabrasion; dermabrasion creates a wound that can take a few days or a week to completely heal. The purpose is to give the skin a smoother and more refined appearance than prior to the procedure. The use in scar revision becomes obvious. Dermabrasion is analogous to a finishing carpenters sanding of fine woodworking. Micro-instruments with an abrasive rotary tip are used to refine the contour of the skin. This medical procedure also requires a delicate touch and a since of artistry. Scar revision is intended to improve the cosmetic appearance of skin irregularities and blemishes resulting from prior injury or unsatisfactory surgical repair. These include scars that are raised, discolored, depressed, poorly aligned and/or have mismatched texture. Often times scars that are quite obvious and unsightly can be revised to blend naturally into the surrounding skin, making them barely noticeable.

Dermabrasion has minimal complications when expertly performed. The simplicity of learning the procedure advanced its popularity in dermatology. Some applications formerly treated with Dermabrasion are now treated with lasers. Yet within specific medical indications it remains a bona fide modality with the best facial plastic surgeons.