Acne Scar Treatment Options for You

For many young people, dealing with acne can be tedious and frustrating. Acne flare-ups can be bad for your confidence as it isn’t visually or aesthetically appealing. Dealing with scars from acne can seem like double punishment since you’ve dealt with the pimples and now you have the scars to show as a reminder. The occasional picking and squeezing that tends to happen with dealing with the acne further increase the risks of scars appearing. Acne scars tend to be stubborn and there is no one solution that makes it easy to deal with them. Instead, there are many options whose effectiveness depends on the severity of the scars, the scar type, and the quality of your skin.

Common Acne Scars

The different types of acne scars vary depending on skin types and severity of the acne. The most common scar is the atrophic scar as it forms when not enough collagen is being produced when the wound is healing. There are many instances of this type of scar that includes the wide U-shaped boxcar scar, the narrow V-shaped ice pick scar (that tends to be the most difficult to treat) and the rolling scar.

The hypertrophic (or raised) scar tends to appear after a serious case of chest and back acne as they appear above the surface of the skin caused by too much collagen when healing.

Discoloration and dark spots that appear after a case of acne are often mistaken to be a scar but this is not the case. These spots tend to go away or fade after a few months without treatment.

Types of Acne Scars

Acne Scars Treatment

When starting your treatment for scars, it is important to treat your acne first and seek the help of a dermatologist. A dermatologist will be able to tell you exactly what is going on with your skin so you will know what treatment would be best for you. As stated before, the type and condition of the skin makes the effectiveness of treatments vary. The dermatologist can also let you know if your condition is related to the acne or not.

  • AHAs – or alpha hydroxy acids – tend to be found in products treating acne and work to remove dead skin and prevent clogged pores. This process is done by exfoliating the outer layer of the skin. Lactic acid is found in many products and is often recommended as a home treatment with it being in many peels, ointments and even distilled apple cider vinegar.
  • Many lotions and face cleansers contain salicylic acids which are also found in many different treatments. Salicylic acids work to reduce redness and swelling while exfoliating and clearing pores. Products containing salicylic acids can be used in daily routines or they can be used for less frequent chemical peels. One of the side effects of salicylic acids is that it tends to cause dryness or irritation and it is recommended that those with sensitive skin use it less often.
  • Given the fact that sun exposure can make scars much more visible or darken them, it’s also recommended that you wear sunscreen every day. However, while “at home treatments” can help mild or moderate situations, some cases will require the care of a skin specialist or healthcare provider.
  • One of the more effective and common treatments for acne scars is dermabrasion. Dermabrasion employs the help of a wire brush to deeply exfoliate the skin. Chemical peels use a strong acid to strip away the top layer of skin and tends to have much more dramatic results in comparison to the ones used at home.
  • An option that works similarly to both dermabrasion and chemical peels is the use of laser resurfacing. This removes the top layer of skin and actually has a faster healing time. However, when undergoing this treatment, you must remain bandaged until you are fully healed. There is also the fact that laser resurfacing isn’t as effective on those with dark skin.
  • The use of injectables has become an option to treat acne scars as some healthcare providers have started to use them. Fillers can be made with collagen and/or commercial filler and injected into the skin to fill out areas that need a more plump and smooth look. If you deal with boxcar and rolling scars, fillers would be your best option. For the most part, fillers would have to be redone every 6 to 18 months but there are some out there that are permanent and wouldn’t require more than the initial injections.
  • For the more deep and raised scars, there’s always the option of surgery. Dermatologists or surgeons can completely remove the scar and, while it leaves behind a scar of its own, it can eventually fade with time.

While most these treatments may work, there is also the possibility of more permanent scars that may not be able to be eliminated. However, providers can offer solutions to reduce their appearance. At the end of the day, in order to reduce the chances of further scarring it is required that you refrain from picking at your skin during acne breakouts as it can irritate and damage the tissue that will eventually lead to scarring.

– JM

Ways to Treat Acne Scars and Marks

Pimples occur due to an inflammation under the skin that is caused by the pores becoming clogged with dead skin cells as well as excess oil and bacteria. Exfoliating the skin with a chemical exfoliant is necessary to keep the skin healthy and clear especially with people who are prone to breakouts. Although many people see themselves as expert pimple poppers, this generally leads to further destruction of the tissue and even an acne scar. Therefore, popping pimples should never be the option. However, some pimples, when left alone, can create a scar on their own. Cystic acne is a type of inflammatory acne which causes painful lesions under the skin. Due to a rush of white blood cells and enzymes in that region, the lesions never really make it to the surface and the infection spills out under the skin’s surface. As the skin tries to heal itself, acne marks and scars may form.

How to Treat Acne scars

Acne Marks VS Acne Scars

An acne mark is not the same thing as a scar but it can still leave the person with noticeable flaws on the skin. People with lighter skin tones usually develop post-inflammatory erythema or marks that appear as red or purple. People with darker skin tones will generally have marks that appear brown in color and this is known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. These marks generally go away on their own but they can take 6 months or more to disappear. Acne scars are generally formed when the acne lesion destroys the collagen and elastin in the area but they often happen during acne popping or picking. This is because an indentation is created and the body is not able to regenerate the tissue properly and this results in a scar. Therefore, the best way to prevent an acne scar from occurring is to leave it alone. People who are prone to cystic pimple outbreaks may benefit from a cortisone injection to reduce the body’s inflammation levels and pimples within 24 to 48 hours and to lessen the chance of scarring.

Treating Acne Marks and Scars

If acne marks or scarring does occur, there are many treatments which can be used to improve the skin’s appearance.

  • People with darker skin tones may be able to treat a brown mark using an at-home exfoliating product with glycolic or salicylic acid to bring the dark skin cells to the surface
  • Retinoid skin products can be used for both types of acne marks
  • Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen whenever going outside can help to reduce the appearance of marks and scars since the sun can intensify or darken a scar
  • Cortisone cream can be purchased, without a prescription, and used to reduce the appearance of a red or swollen scar
  • Cortisone injections can be used to calm down a red or raised scar
  • Ablative lasers can vaporize the scar and promote smoother skin
  • Non-ablative lasers can promote new collagen formation to fill-in acne scars
  • Dermal fillers can be used to fill-in depressed or “ice pick” scars but this method is temporary and will need repeat treatments, every 4 to 6 months, to maintain the results