The newest method in hair transplant known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is used to obtain hair grafts individually from the donor area.
The donor area of the scalp is located in the lower back and side portion of the patient’s head. Patients who have their hair transplant using this method will not have a linear scar in the donor area of their head. This gives patients the option to cut or shave their hair to shorter lengths, as desired, without having to worry about the appearance of a scalp scar.
There is a limited amount of grafts that can be transplanted per day with the Follicular Unit Extraction method. The grafts are harvested precisely and individually requiring more time to be spent on the extraction of the grafts. With this method transection of the hair follicles may occur damaging the follicular unit, causing fewer viable grafts to be transplanted. Choosing a hair transplant surgeon who is experienced in follicular unit extraction will help reduce your transection rate.
Patients who have Follicular Unit Extraction will not experience any discomfort in the donor area after they have the surgery. The recovery of this procedure is minimal with fewer complications compared to the traditional strip method, because there are no staples or sutures to be removed, making the healing process faster. FUE is recommended for patients who wish to have the option to wear their hair short, as well as for patients who have significant scarring and inadequate laxity of the scalp.