Collagen Injections for Scars

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, and it is found in the skin, bones, and cartilage of a person. Patients often decide to have collagen injections in order to replenish the natural collagen in the skin as well as treat the appearance of scars on the body.

Let’s take a look at what is involved in collagen injections and how they can help reduce and improve the appearance of scars.

Collagen Injections Explained

In general, collagen injections are a cosmetic procedure that is performed by placing collagen under the skin to give the treated area a smoother and plumper appearance. The collagen injection can be made of human collagen, or it can be made of bovine collagen. In addition to improving the appearance of scars, collagen can provide a smoother and more youthful look to facial areas such as the eyes (crow’s feet), forehead and mouth (frown lines).

Collagen Injections for Scars – Options for Patients

In the past, patients with scars had to either live with them or they had to undergo a surgical procedure to remove the scar. The good news is that scars can often be corrected with collagen injections.

Bellafill is a long-lasting dermal filler that has been approved for the treatment of some scars. Bellafill is made of collagen from cows (bovine collagen) and the injection of Bellafill adds missing volume to lift the skin. In addition, the injection adds small Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) beads to provide additional support to the skin. The collagen will eventually be reabsorbed by the body, but the PMMA beads remain to support the skin and promote the development of further collagen. The patient must not have an allergy to bovine collagen, and it is available for both male and female patients.

Collagen injections are considered to be soft tissue fillers and they are an ideal option for improving the appearance of hollow or sunken (depressed) scars. The injection stimulates the growth of collagen and it also elevates the skin depression that results from the scar.

Collagen injections for scars

Collagen Injections – How Long Do They Last?

While collagen injections are considered to be permanent, the final results have been reported to last for up to five years. The final results can be prolonged if the patient decides to have follow-up treatments/additional injections before the five-year period is over. Some patients decide to have treatment once or twice per year to maintain the results.

Either way, additional treatments will be necessary in order to maintain the desired look to the scar that is treated with a collagen injection.

Collagen Injections – How Long does it Take for the Results to Appear

The effects of collagen injections are visible almost immediately but keep in mind that it can often take several weeks or months to gain the final results. The immediate changes are welcomed by patients who want to walk out of their appointment with skin that has a radiant and more youthful appearance.

Collagen Injections – Are There any Risks?

The doctor will administer a skin test before injecting the collagen which means serious reactions to the treatment are very rare. However, there are some possible side effects that are often found with other cosmetic procedures:

  • Redness of the skin
  • Infection located at the site of the injection
  • Discomfort
  • Skin rash
  • Itching
  • Lumpy skin

The collagen treatments can be placed in multiple areas of the body. The part of the body chosen by the patient is often one where a scar is visible to others. They usually want to lessen or reduce the visibility of the scar as they are often self-conscious about its appearance on the body.

There are several steps patients can take to minimize any possible risks.  The first step was mentioned earlier which is undergoing a test to make sure there is no allergy to the collagen injection.

Patients should make sure to visit a licensed and experienced medical provider when choosing a doctor. They should read actual patient reviews and ask questions when they meet with the doctor. Addressing any questions or concerns in advance will make the patient feel more confident about having the treatment.

Patients should never attempt to perform the treatment on their own body with collagen fillers that they purchased from another source, they should closely follow any post-treatment instructions provided by the doctor to ensure an easy recovery and optimal results. Call the doctor right away if the side effects are more severe than expected.

While the risks are normally not very severe, patients should still monitor their recovery and contact the doctor if they have any additional concerns or conditions that appear after the collagen injections are performed. It is important for the patient to keep in contact with the doctor as the medical professional can answer questions, prescribe a treatment plan and help the patient to successfully treat any side effects.

Facial Scar Treatment – How it is Performed

Facial scar treatment is performed to minimize or improve the appearance of scars on the face with both surgical and nonsurgical methods. There are various facial scar treatments, and the best method depends on the type of scarring and the ability of their body to heal itself.

Scars can be raised, indented or flat in appearance and some nonsurgical options for facial scar treatments include corticosteroid injections, lasers, microdermabrasion and chemical peels. Surgical facial scar treatment, which is also known as scar revision, involves the removal or cutting out of the scar so it can heal in a more aesthetically pleasing manner.

Facial Scar Treatment – Ideal Candidates

An ideal candidate for a facial scar treatment includes patients bothered by their facial scarring such as acne scarring or flat, raised, and red scars. It does not include patients with an active acne breakout or someone with certain skin conditions or skin diseases in the treatment area.

Facial Scar Treatment – How it is Performed

Facial scar treatment procedures are usually performed in an office and the procedure time and technique depends on the type of treatment.

Raised and/or red scars are typically treated with cortisone injections, but compression bandages can also be applied to help reduce the redness as well as flatten the scar. Microdermabrasion, laser treatments or chemical peels can treat indented scars and some flat scars. During these treatments, the facial area is numbed with a topical cream or a fan blowing cool air may be used to ease discomfort. A special sanding tip, chemical or laser is applied or passed over the skin to remove the top layers of skin and reveal new, fresher-looking skin.

Scar revision is a surgical procedure that involves cutting out the scar and then the doctor closes the new wound with stitches. A hollow, bladed instrument is used to punch out the scar from the skin. While these surgical procedures will still cause a scar, the new scar will be more cosmetically appealing in appearance.

Scar treatment

Facial Scar Treatment Recovery and Results

The recovery period after a facial scar treatment differs according to the procedure that is performed and the ability of the patient to heal. The patient might need a week of rest after the treatment depending on how big the scar is and how aggressively it is treated.

Patients might see some redness, bruising, peeling, or swelling after facial scar treatments. This will be followed by a pinkness that can last anywhere from several weeks to several months. Patients who have a surgical procedure may have some bleeding and will need stitches on the wound. Patients should avoid the UV rays of the sun as the skin will be sensitive to sunburns.

It can take some time for noticeable improvements to appear since many of the treatments rely on new skin growth as well as collagen stimulation. In addition, some of the treatments only require one treatment while others require multiple treatments. Patients that require multiple sessions that take place over a period of several weeks, or even multiple months, may have various recovery periods and will need to wait a longer time before the results can be appreciated due to additional swelling and/or peeling.

Approximately three months after most nonsurgical facial scar treatments, the patient can begin to easily visualize the results. Surgical facial scar treatment methods can produce an aesthetically pleasing scar which will replace the original scar. However, it can take a full year for this scar to effectively fade from red to a pale color. In order to maintain their results, patients will need to use sunblock when they are outside in order to protect the new skin and/or scars.

Facial Scar Treatments – Risks and Limitations

One of the main limitations of facial scar treatments is the fact that most scars cannot be completely removed. However, their appearance can be improved by a surgeon. Patients with darker skin tones might experience permanent skin discoloration after some facial scar treatments. Facial scars that are the result of an injury or surgical procedure are limited from most facial scar treatments until the scar has fully healed. The surgeon has to wait in this case because performing certain treatments too soon can actually cause the scar to become worse in appearance.

Some of the risks of facial scar treatments include:

  • Redness
  • Skin irritation (much like a sunburn)
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing
  • Damage to the underlying structures
  • Scarring

Many of the side effects that result from facial scar treatments are minimal and the risks are usually rare. Having said that, it is important for patients to understand all possible risks before agreeing to any cosmetic procedure. In order to minimize the risks and promote better results, patients need to use the services of a board-certified surgeon who is experienced in treating a facial scar. A board-certified doctor can accurately assess the type of scar and determine the most appropriate scar treatment option. Patients should also follow all post-treatment instructions in order to gain the best results.

Fillers for Acne Scars – How They Work

A common issue for many people during their teenage years is acne (which is primarily a hormonal condition). Sensitivity to these male hormones, combined with bacteria and fatty acids within oil glands, can cause acne. Common sites for acne are the face, chest, shoulders, neck and backs they are all sites of oil glands. Acne can sometimes leave behind scars that can be corrected with fillers. One of the many treatments for acne scars is fillers that can be used on areas of the face including the cheeks, nose, lips and chin as well as around the mouth.

Learn how dermal fillers work to treat and reduce acne scars

Fillers for Acne Scars Explained

  • Dermal fillers are injected into the skin to raise depressed areas of acne scars or stimulate the natural production of collagen in the skin. Different options for fillers include the use of hyaluronic acid (Restylane and Juvederm), poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) microspheres with collagen (Bellafill), poly-L-lactic acid (Sculptra) and autologous fat transfer that is fat transferred from your body into the acne scar.
  • If the filler you have decided to take contains bovine collagen, you will have to take part in an in-office allergy test and share both your medical and allergy history to make sure you’re not allergic. In this test, collagen will be injected into your forearm and you will be monitored for any negative reactions. If you show no reaction to the test, you will be able to go ahead with your appointment. Your doctor will mark your face in order to know the exact spot to be injected. Each syringe of filler will contain the numbing agent lidocaine to make the procedure less painful. The procedure can take anywhere from 15 minutes to about an hour depending on the depth of the scar and the size of the treated area.
  • Bellafill is dermal filler that is used to treat acne scarring. It is made of collagen which is used to add volume to the skin and small poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) beads used to structurally support the skin. Keep in mind that you must be over the age of 21 to receive Bellafill and not have any allergies to bovine collagen. Bellafill is said to work on both men and women with a variety of skin types. Bellafill is considered long-lasting or permanent and is the only FDA-approved filler to treat acne scars.
  • In some cases, hyaluronic acid fillers, like Juvederm or Restylane, may be used to treat acne scars. These fillers aim to improve the contour of the skin and reduce depressions in the skin caused by said acne scars. However, these fillers are considered temporary and you will need to have them injected every few months. Another type of filler, poly-L-lactic acid (Sculptra), is used as well. This substance is not like other fillers in that it won’t immediately plump your skin. Instead, it boosts the production of collagen to reduce the appearance of acne scars over a few months.
  • An autologous fat transfer can be considered more in-depth or invasive in comparison to fillers as fat is pulled from your body to be injected into your acne scars. The final results depend on how much of the injected fat will develop a blood supply and survive.

Safety of Dermal Fillers for Acne Scars

All dermal fillers are generally considered to be safe even if it is necessary to perform skin testing for allergies prior to certain procedures such as the use of certain fillers with bovine collagen. Many of the newer fillers are made from sugar that is naturally found in the skin and the overall chances of them causing allergic reactions are rare.

There are still certain side effects that you need to be aware of including swelling, bruising, itching, redness and an allergic reaction to the lidocaine. Another risk is blood vessel occlusion which is when a blood vessel becomes blocked and can cause the skin to break down. It should be noted that this is rare for fillers used for acne scarring because they are typically placed in such a way where the risk of occluding a major vessel is unlikely.

The procedure is rather easy to perform so, after any fillers, you can resume most activities right away and you should be able to drive yourself home. Avoid strenuous activities and try not to itch or rub the injection site for a number of days after your treatment. Filler injections should only be performed in-office by a trained medical professional for safety and the optimum results. Be sure and consult with the medical professional before having fillers for acne scars to discuss any questions to concerns and to find out the type of results you can expect to see after the treatment. Once you and the medical professional are in agreement about the procedure, you can schedule your fillers treatment to address your acne scars.

– JM