Scalp MicroPigmentation

Scalp MicroPigmentation is one of the newest non-surgical procedure which allows patients to improve the appearance of balding areas by the use of dermal pigments. This procedure can be done without the use of any anesthetics. The doctor performing the procedure is required to carefully match the dermal pigment with the color of the patient’s hair. After making the match the pigments will then be superficially introduced into the skin decreasing the level of pain and minimizing the risk of the pigments spreading.

Scalp MicroPigmentation

Left: Before SMP; Right: After SMP

Scalp MicroPigmentation is an ideal procedure for those who have male patterned baldness, scalp scars, female patterned baldness. Patients who do not have enough donor hair to adequately cover the balding area can use this procedure to help add to the look of the area which is balding.

The only disadvantage that this procedure has is that patients need to have touch up once every few years as the color will fade away. In order to know if you are a candidate for the procedure and how many sessions you would require, you would need to call a doctor offering this service to schedule a consultation appointment.

Scalp Scar Reduction

Scalp scars from any procedure such as scalp reduction, old plug surgery, trauma or neurosurgical procedures can be treated to minimize the look of the scar. Modern hair transplant yields natural, proven, and permanent results along with special wound closure techniques to minimize scars.

Here are some methods that a hair transplant surgeon can use to reduce the visibility of the scar:

Scar Revision

Left: Before Scar Revision, Right: After Scar Revision

1. Simple Scar Revision: This method can be used if there is a wide scalp scar due to the initial technical problem during the wound closure.
2. Scar Revision and Trichophytic Closure: This method allows the hair to grow inside the scar, which helps to minimize the contrast between the scar and the surrounding areas of the scalp.
3. Hair Transplantation inside the Scar: In this method, the hair will be harvested from other areas of the scalp and will be transplanted inside the scar to blend the scar with the rest of the hair. The hair will be harvested through the FUE hair transplant technique. The benefit of using this technique is that with FUE, follicles are extracted individually, giving the surgeon the opportunity to place them into the scar without having new scarring.
4. Scalp Micro Pigmentation on the Scar: By introducing dermal pigments into the scar, the visibility of the scar can be significantly improved because it helps reduce the contrast in color between the scar tissue and the surrounding scalp area.

In order to know which technique would fit your needs, it is recommended to visit an experienced hair transplant surgeon.

What Can Be Done About Scarring?

ScarScarring is the result of tissue fibers replacing normal skin after a trauma. Scarring can result from surgery, burns, open wounds, or any other abrasion of the skin. Scars are caused when the deep thick layer of skin, also known as the dermis, is damaged. Once trauma occurs, the body forms a collagen fiber which aids in the healing process of the wound and causes a scar. Because the tissue is a different consistency and quality the scar becomes visible.

Some scars can be easily hidden, while other will always be visible. Even though scars can never be removed completely, there are procedures offered that will improve the appearance of the scar. Laser resurfacing can be used to remove the surface layers of the skin, resulting in a less visible scar. If a person has a larger scar, surgery is an available option to reduce the size of the scar. Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a new method being offered which uses dermal pigments to camouflage the scars on hair bearing areas of the scalp or face.

If a scar leaves an indentation in the skin, you can use filler injections to raise the scar to the level of the surrounding skin. This type of treatment will be temporary, meaning it should be done a few times a year. If you have a keloid scar, scars that are raised, steroid injections can help flatten the scar giving it an enhanced appearance.

To reduce heavy scarring, topical creams and ointments can be used directly after trauma. Certain scars will fade away after a year and will not need any special method of treatment. For all other cases, it is best to see a specialist who can further assist you.

Scalp Micro Pigmentation

The new innovative non-surgical procedure, Scalp Micro Pigmentation also known as SMP is becoming a very popular procedure. SMP is done using dermal pigments. The Doctor finds a compatible pigment to the patient’s hair and introduces it into the scalp, through the use of the SMP machine. The insertions of the pigments are very superficial, which will reduce the level of pain and discomfort the patient may feel.

The many benefits of this procedure are:

SMP Before and After Procedure

Left: Before Procedure, Right: After Procedure

-No recovery time
-More cost efficient than a surgical procedure
-Most cases local anesthesia is not needed
-Eliminates appearance of baldness without hair

The only disadvantage that this procedure has is its non-permanence. The procedure will require touch ups in the future, but will vary among different individuals.

Scalp Micro Pigmentation can be used to cover a full head that is bald or it can be used to cover a small area. SMP is also used to minimize and camouflage the visibility of scars on the scalp. SMP gives the impression of a shaved head appearance. This procedure is also great for women who do not have enough donor hair and would like to have this procedure done with having a hair transplant to fully cover their hair loss.

This new innovative procedure has helped many patients overcome the stress that they live through daily that is associated with their baldness. As with any other procedure, choosing an experienced Doctor is vital to achieve desired results.