Scalp Scar Reduction

Scalp scars from any procedure such as scalp reduction, old plug surgery, trauma or neurosurgical procedures can be treated to minimize the look of the scar. Modern hair transplant yields natural, proven, and permanent results along with special wound closure techniques to minimize scars.

Here are some methods that a hair transplant surgeon can use to reduce the visibility of the scar:

Scar Revision

Left: Before Scar Revision, Right: After Scar Revision

1. Simple Scar Revision: This method can be used if there is a wide scalp scar due to the initial technical problem during the wound closure.
2. Scar Revision and Trichophytic Closure: This method allows the hair to grow inside the scar, which helps to minimize the contrast between the scar and the surrounding areas of the scalp.
3. Hair Transplantation inside the Scar: In this method, the hair will be harvested from other areas of the scalp and will be transplanted inside the scar to blend the scar with the rest of the hair. The hair will be harvested through the FUE hair transplant technique. The benefit of using this technique is that with FUE, follicles are extracted individually, giving the surgeon the opportunity to place them into the scar without having new scarring.
4. Scalp Micro Pigmentation on the Scar: By introducing dermal pigments into the scar, the visibility of the scar can be significantly improved because it helps reduce the contrast in color between the scar tissue and the surrounding scalp area.

In order to know which technique would fit your needs, it is recommended to visit an experienced hair transplant surgeon.

Scar Types

Skin is the largest organ of a person’s body. Any type of trauma including burns, injury, and surgery can cause a scar to appear on the skin. Scarring can happen on any part of the person’s body that the trauma occurred. Some scars may be small or in locations that aren’t visible to the public eye. However, some people may have scars that are visible, which bother them. There are treatments that can help improve the appearance of the scar, but you can never make it completely disappear.

Scarring happens when the healing process begins. The depth and the size of the wound are one of the many factors of how big and visible the scar will be. Other factors can be your age, ethnicity, genes, and location of the injury. When it comes to surgical scars, the way the surgeon closes the wound can affect the visibility and size of the scar.

There are different types of scars:

Different forms of scarring

Keloid Scar, Contracture Scar, Hypertrophic Scar, Acne Scar

1. Keloid scar: spreads past the original injury and begins to grow
2. Contracture scars: when you burn your skin
3. Hypertrophic scars: Red scars which are raised
4. Acne scars: forms when people have severe acne. Acne scars can vary, some can be deep and some can even have a little bump.

Acne scars can be treated depending on the size, location, and type of scar. Some scars can be treated by over the counter or prescription creams. Another form of scar treatment is by injections or by surgical removal. In order to find out what the best treatment is for you, it is recommended to see a physician. If you have a scar from surgery it is best to see the surgeon who performed the surgery. If you have acne scars, it is recommended to see a dermatologist.

Will I have More Than One Scar?

Patient’s who have had a hair transplant surgery through the traditional strip method have a linear scar in their donor area. Many patients wonder if they will end up with more than one scar if they get another hair transplant. They answer to that question is no.

When a patient receives a second hair transplant, the surgeon who is performing the surgery will include the old linear scar in the new strip that will be taken out from the donor area. Once that step is done the patient will end up with only one scar no matter how many hair transplant they might receive.

Scar After 2 Hair Transplants

One of the factors for the size of the scar can depend on the Doctor that the patient chooses to have surgery with. Another factor will be how well the patient’s skin heals. Many doctors are now performing the trichophytic closure. Trichophytic closure technique helps hair grow inside of the donor scar. Once the hair grows and the scar heals it will help the donor scar blend in with the surrounding skin.

If a patient has had a hair transplant years ago, it is most likely that the scar they have is wider. Since technology has improved, the size of the scar can be reduced in most patients. Choosing an experienced hair surgeon is vital because if a professional hair surgeon does the procedure, the scar that you had from the previous hair transplant can most likely be reduced in size. Ofcourse, the results will always vary between every patient, but a good hair transplant Doctor will try to do everything to minimize the visibility of the scar for all patients.

What Can Be Done About Scarring?

ScarScarring is the result of tissue fibers replacing normal skin after a trauma. Scarring can result from surgery, burns, open wounds, or any other abrasion of the skin. Scars are caused when the deep thick layer of skin, also known as the dermis, is damaged. Once trauma occurs, the body forms a collagen fiber which aids in the healing process of the wound and causes a scar. Because the tissue is a different consistency and quality the scar becomes visible.

Some scars can be easily hidden, while other will always be visible. Even though scars can never be removed completely, there are procedures offered that will improve the appearance of the scar. Laser resurfacing can be used to remove the surface layers of the skin, resulting in a less visible scar. If a person has a larger scar, surgery is an available option to reduce the size of the scar. Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a new method being offered which uses dermal pigments to camouflage the scars on hair bearing areas of the scalp or face.

If a scar leaves an indentation in the skin, you can use filler injections to raise the scar to the level of the surrounding skin. This type of treatment will be temporary, meaning it should be done a few times a year. If you have a keloid scar, scars that are raised, steroid injections can help flatten the scar giving it an enhanced appearance.

To reduce heavy scarring, topical creams and ointments can be used directly after trauma. Certain scars will fade away after a year and will not need any special method of treatment. For all other cases, it is best to see a specialist who can further assist you.

Innovative Treatment for Scalp Scar Revision

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Innovative Treatment for Scalp Scar RevisionFUE for Scar Revision

Follicular units (FUs) are the individual removal of the tiny organs that produce our hair shafts. Hair loss is a growing elective surgery but very beneficial for people who are suffering from low self image and quality of life issues from hair loss.

Like all surgeries hair transplants leave a scar. Dr. Parsa Mohebi, medical director of US Hair Restoration center is pioneering method of combining two procedures to render these scars virtually undetectable in many cases. The combination of FUE and SMP are small procedures that can be used in the revisioning of a hair transplant scar.

Donor Hair Scar Revised

The surgeon can extract a small number of grafts from the permanent zone and artistically and strategically place them in the scar. This process of using FUE uses hair to obscure and blend the margins of the scar to the surrounding scalp. Scalp Micro-pigmentation (SMP) can be used to further blend the scar in many cases.

Scalp Micro-Pigmentation

SMP for Scar Revision

Scalp Micro-Pigmentation is the process of using special pigments and fine needles to create the shade of stubble or shaved hairs on the scalp. SMP utilizes dermal pigments that match the patient’s hair color. Used in scars like FUE it can artistically applied revises the margins of the scars. This revision results in the obscuring or blending of the scars margins to the surrounding scalp.


FUE and SMP are a very non invasive way of revisioning a hair transplant scar. Patients can consult a hair transplant surgeon for recommendations on achieving the best results. These modern advances in scalp scar revision are performed in Los Angeles leading hair transplant centers like US Hair Restoration.

Abdominal Scars

Abdominal Surgical Revision

Abdominal scar tissue is forms through the healing of the connective fibers surrounding incision sites or traumatic wound. These are the natural fibers the body creates to heal tears in the skin. Abdominal scar removal is a way to repair or replace damaged skin. The severity of the wound surgical or traumatic helps determine the realistic level of success of any abdominal scar removal technique or revision.

Surgical Revision

Surgical scar revision is often used to reduce the abdominal scar. Surgical revisions work by moving the scar toward a natural crease in the skin. Scarring is ofthen cause by too much tension on the wound. In an abdominal surgical scar revision a less prominent scar will result because of he conrol of the woud tension which is lessend by the surgeons expertise.

View an actual abdominal scar revision with dermabrasion.

Punch Graft Scar Revision

A punch graft is a surgical technique designed to minimize the appearance of a scar. By removing an area of tissue from another area (normally less visible area of the body) and replacing it where the scar was located. If the abdominal scar is severe, a punch graft may be used and the skin is placed over the abdomen and stitched in place. Again, the tension in the stitching or closure of the surgical wound lends to a more aesthetic or less obvious scar. In addition after full healing of the punch graft dermabrasion or laser resurfacing can be utilized to diminish the appearance of scars.

Reduced Scalp Scarring from Hair Transplant Surgery

FUE hair restoration can reduce scars

Modern hair transplant is resolving hair loss issues for many people. However the most common form of Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) surgery ‘Strip Method’ procedure leaves a linear scar that is just not acceptable. This lends to the increasing popularity of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair restoration surgeries.

Healing of FUE Scars

FUE varies from the other FUT procedure by the method of extracting, or “harvesting,” donor hair. An FUE procedure involves the use of an instrument is to make a small, circular incision in the skin around a follicular unit, separating it from the surrounding tissue. The unit is then extracted (pulled) directly from the scalp, leaving a small wound.

This process is repeated until the hair transplant surgeon has harvested enough follicular units for the planned hair restoration. This nature of this process means it takes o time to complete the procedure. This of course varies under the number of grafts being extracted. The donor wounds are approximately 1-mm in size and in most cases heal within a week to ten days.
Patients can be concerned about the punctuate scars from FUE but in most cases they become undetectable in a short period of time.

Scars from FUE vary do to:
1. The size of the punch (ranges of punch sizes are from 0.8-1.5mm)
2. The density of the donor hair area; the thicker the hair the less visible the scars
3. The inverse is true; the thinner the donor hair the more visible the scare
4. The individual patients healing


Generally, the donor area appears to heal without visible scarring. In some instances a patient can experience loss of color in the donor extraction wounds. These tiny spaces that lack the same degree of scalp colorization than the surrounding donor area. This is more apparent if the patient has darker skin. A hair transplant surgeon can test with a few test extractions prior to committing to a full surgery.

Laser Technology in Scar Revision

Advent of Laser Technology in Scar Revision

Who doesn’t have a scar? The natural healing mechanism following injury or surgery most often leaves some level of scar. Many individuals bear no adverse reaction to scarring. Of course the location of a scar and its severity can make all the difference to some people’s self image. While the scar appearance is usually quite acceptable, in many other instances the scar can raise, thicken, or become red. This type of scarring is called ‘hypertrophic scarring.’ Some individuals may even develop an extreme form of scarring called a ‘keloid.’

Laser Scar Revision

Laser technology Advances Scar RevisionIn recent years the use of lasers in medicine has enjoyed rapid development in medicine. Doctors and researchers are experimenting with the devices in a wide variety of procedures, like opening blocked coronary arteries and reshaping the cornea of the eye to correct poor vision, dissolving kidney stones and in scar revisioning.

These advances in medical laser technology allows for easier revisioning treatment of scars. Applied in the right cases laser scar revisioning can have remarkable success and can bemore effective than ever.

Lasers are used in two primary ways in scar revisioning:

• to treat the surface color of the scar
• to go deeper and break up the collagen bunches that cause the scar

The result renders scars smoother, more evenly colored. The application of these new laser treatments appears limitless as doctors and researchers fine tune the levels of laser frequency for different medical applications. Lasers are effective on scars from accidents, dog bites, cesarean sections, orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery and skin grafts have proven quite successful and a large cross section of patients. It is important to note however because scarring is a highly individualized healing process that thorough medical consult is the best option. New laser therapies have ever proven effective on burn scars.

Laser Scar Revision Results

Scars cannot be completely removed from any treatment. Scar revision is meant to obscure the scar by making it blend better with your skin in colour and texture.; the more T the scar to blend s naturally with the surrounding skin The better the results. If the scar is uneven in texture, laser scar revision will help smooth out the scar so that the area is flatter. Additional treatments will continue to improve these effects.

Scar Revision from Breast Augmentation

All surgeries are going to leave a scar. The leading cosmetic surgeons who specialize in breast augmentation are good at reducing the visibility of the scar. The very best surgeons make sure only very close scrutiny reveal the signature of their work. The techniques for revising scars very and are applied as the surgeon deems best for the patient and their particular case. Often women undergo more than one breast implant surgery. If a woman has suffered from a poor elective procedure the top cosmetic doctors can redo the surgery and also revise the scarring in the same procedure.

Do breast implants last a lifetime? Women considering breast augmentation ask this question frequently. Breast implants are not made with an expiration date, so you should be able to enjoy the results for many years. However, unexpected issues occur for a certain number of patients. If you think you’re experiencing a problem with your breast implants, call us to schedule a consultation and Dr. Hess will see you as soon as possible.

Reasons for Revision Breast Augmentation
Problems that occur after breast implant surgery. Most often they are corrected with a brief revision surgery. Of course, Some of the reasons women seek revision of breast augmentation are :

  • Breast implant rippling
  • Volume adjustment of saline implants
  • Scar revision procedure
  • Change in implant size preferences
  • Switch from saline to silicone implants
  • Areola size reduction
  • Noticeable breast asymmetry
  • Symmastia
  • Nipple ptosis or sagging
  • Breast implant displacement
  • Breast implant rupture
  • Nipple malposition
  • Scar tissue surrounding implant
  • High riding implants
  • Caesarian Section Scar Revision

    About C section Scar

    Some women may do to emergency or elect to have their birth surgically. This is called a Caesarian Section or most often referred to as a C-section. In this surgical procedure one or more incisions are made through a mother’s abdomen (laparotomy) and uterus (hysterotomy) to deliver one or more babies. This will leave a surgical scar that many woman wish to have revised after the decision not to have any more children. In emergencies often the scar is longitudinal running from just below the naval to the lower abdomen. In elective C section more often the scar is latitudinal just above the pubic bone on the lower abdomen.

    The Video Below is a medical procedure and contains graphic images that may be unsuitable for children and some adults.

    About C section Scars

    • This Cesarean section scar involves a midline longitudinal incision which allows a larger space to deliver the baby. It is not often performed today.
    • The lower uterine segment section is the procedure most commonly used today; it involves a transverse cut just above the edge of the bladder and results in less blood loss and is easier to repair.
    • An emergency Cesarean section is a Cesarean performed once labour has commenced.
    • A crash Cesarean section is a Cesarean performed in an obstetric emergency, where complications of pregnancy onset suddenly during the process of labour, and swift action is required to prevent the deaths of mother, the child or both.
    • A Cesarean hysterectomy consists of a Cesarean section followed by the removal of the uterus. This may be done in cases of intractable bleeding or when the placenta cannot be separated from the uterus.
    • A repeat Cesarean section is done when a patient had a previous Cesarean section. Typically it is performed through the old scar.
    • Regardless of the type of C section performed and the resulting scar they can be treated in a similar way. Tummy tucks are often used to revise or obscure a C-section scar.